----TONIGHT!!!!…and this might be too late unless you live in the Dyersburg area, but TLCW is in Bogota, TN tonight. I do know that “Picture Perfect” [Christian Jacobs/Jon Michael], Derrick King and four NBW guys will also be on the show - Jerry Weezy, Gryffon X, Phoenix X and the Kid. That’s all I know about the show.
----TOMORROW NIGHT!!! – I am in the process of arranging an internet connection for tomorrow night at the show. I will not know until I get there whether it will work or not. But, I will try to post something around 7:30 PM if I got it up and running. I will do up to the minute coverage with results of the matches in Ripley if the connection works.
----Take a look at this link to see the inside of the Seth Knight DVD. I want everyone to see the quality of the DVDs – it is not a DVD with crappy printing done from a printer you buy at Walmart – these are professionally done DVDs. They come in cellophane wrapping and are ready to sell in stores, gimmick tables or web sites. If you are an indy guy in this area or anywhere, just drop me a line and I will send you the DVD plan.
----Wrestling is back on Saturday mornings in Memphis. Total Chaos Wrestling attempted to do this just a few weeks back, but I think have since folded. They changed the venue of their last event three times before having it. Well, I think they had it. LOL I got this Press Release: TAJJ Championship Wrestling© has announced that it is launching an all new program on Comcast Channel 17 in Memphis, Tn. The program, “TAJJ Rewind” will feature hosts Adam Dunn and Randy Cresswell [one of our columnists] as they look back at the history of TAJJ and how it has affected the Mid-South in wrestling. Also, the program will feature matches from the past and matches involving former TAJJ talent from around the area. The program will air this Saturday at 11:30AM and while this is a clip program, TAJJ is once again bringing wrestling back to Saturday Mornings.
----I have an interview and story that I will be posting in the next few weeks. I got the prelims of them done. One is an interview with Mark Bravura on his interview with WWE as a script writer. This is very interesting stuff. The other piece is a feature article called “Wrestling with The Stars: Austin Lane”, which I think I have been promising since the first day of this site. I finally did interview him and he had some interesting things to say. Look for these things in the next few weeks.
----I also have been tons busy and have the show tomorrow, but I do plan on doing a Point-Counterpoint type piece on stuff said by Dustin Starr, Tank, Mo and Leonard Noan. A lot of good things are said in the letters, but not all that I agree upon.