----Gate was in the $800 range with 160 people in attendance...“The Golden Boy” Greg Anthony had put a portrait up of himself earlier in the night to be revealed for his “Golden Circle”, but Simon Reed had painted a big P on it. When TGB came out for his “Circle”, the “Posse” were outside the ring laughing at him. He later used a skateboard to help Jones beat Reed. I think TGB might be watching Eddie Gilbert tapes...They did a contract signing with Dustin Starr/Chris O’Neal. Starr did not want to agree to a barbwire match, but finally O’Neal presented an “incentive” as if he lost he would leave town. Starr signed and agreed with O’Neal pointing out after the signing – if you lose you leave town also. Crowd was real hot for this. There is a lot going on backstage with what the result of this match will be?? I will have an analysis of it later this week...Brian Steele with Rick The Stick did an angle as he came out as the singing cowboy. Steele is a good singer for shoot. Buckwheat came out and told him that they sucked...BO Squad were putting Alfonzo/Knight on stretchers when “Picture Perfect” made the save...No finish on the main with everyone jumping in...Matches for 1.06.07 – the first big show of the new year - Triple Threat for Jr Title – Tatt2 vs Randy vs DK; TGB vs Simon Reed; Ambulance Match: PP vs BO; TLCW Title Match: Lee vs Flash; Hardcore Match with Cruz vs Krisis vs Tucker vs Shannon Lee and Main Event: “Barbwire Loser Leave Town” Match: Starr vs O’Neal...The barbwire will be outside the ropes and is designed to keep people in and keep Starr/O’Neal in the ring. It is not the typical no ropes barbwire that many of the promotions use these days...I will be at the show and it should be released on DVD on 1.24.07.