----Alan Steele come out to do an interview. Steele was scheduled to

----I got to make a quick note before the next match. Jason Reed had already turned, not as I had reported in the “Countdown.” The storyline was that Reed was brought in by the Commish Jimmy Tidwell, but turned on Jeremy Moore, which set up all the stips for the main event.
----Slim “Bulldog” Pickens beat “Superman” Jason Reed. Not a good match. Too much talking on the mic and too much stalling. But, in reality the match was set up to just help get Reed over as a heel and help them sell straps for the main event. Moore came out and Pickens pinned Reed with a roll up from behind. At one point in the bout, Reed got the mic and said he had to pee. He went to the bathroom with the ref and mic. It was a hilarious spot. [DUD]
----Alex Krisis beat Seth Knight by submission with the CLAW!!! Nothing great about the match and nothing wrong with it. Both guys worked hard. Krisis looks better now than he ever has looked. The crowd really didn’t know how to react to Knight losing by submission. This was the first time they have seen Krisis doing that finisher. [**]
----Alan Steele/Rob Harlem beat “Picture Perfect”. Steele came out to announce he had been on the phone and got himself a partner. Mo came out to a big pop!! The crowd loves him here. The crowd was up for the start, but then just died when Mo went into a resthold. Good psychology – nothing wrong with the match. Steele slapped Michael hard once on the chest and you could tell Michael was not expecting it. Heat on Steele with Mo finally getting enough [never tagging] and jumping in. Mo ended up on the ring apron with CJ, when CJ’s try for a suplex on Mo backfired. Michael ran into them sending them both to the floor with Steele rolling him up for the win. After the match, Mo announced that he would be leaving for South Carolina tomorrow and this was his last night in Dyersburg. PP ended up shaking his hand and hugging him. They came off as babys in the end. [**1/2]
----Tank by DQ over Lord Humongous. This was all psychology with Huey heeling and Tank taking a beating. Tank bodyslammed Huey early. Huey dropkicked Tank in the face – and that is not easy considering the size of both guys. Huey is bigger than he looks on TV. Huey started using the hockey mask and Tank bladed. Real good juice. Crowd was not into it as much as I expected. Ref bump with ending with interference, but ref caught him and DQ’ed him. Krisis came down and put the Claw on Tank and they left him lying. [**]
----Tim Edwards comes out to say he wants a title shot. Commish Tidwell says ok..you got one. At this point, the Hardcore Elimination Match starts for the title shot. Edwards was asking for a NBW Title shot, but the storyline was that Tidwell just pissed him off by putting him in the hardcore match. At the front of the match, I was thinking “blah blah blah” when Edwards was talking, but match came off with you either believed Edwards could whip all those guys in the ring alone or you were a dumbass. Can you say STIFF?? Edwards’ punches a few times made me cringe!! The match featured all the young guys – Tim Alfonzo/Chief Crazy Train/Sicilian Kid/Buckwheat along with Gunner Thompson, Tommy Love and Edwards. I saw all the young guys in the dressing room after the bout and they looked like they had been in a train wreck. Kid had me cracking up as it looked as if he was smiling every time Edwards hit him. Buckwheat was the first to be eliminated and I think Edwards killed him. Finish had Edwards pinning Alfonzo after sending him thru a table. After match, Edwards put the Hardcore Belt in the trash and Kid ended up leaving with it, so I guess he is still the champ. Trash wrestling at its best!! [***] – one star for just the shoot part of this bout.
----NBW Tag Team Title Match: Kilo/Mark Justice beat J.Weezy/Flex. Flex came out to say that his “Too Cool 2” partner was not there tonight, but he would fight them both. Weezy walked out and got a pop. Weezy tagged with him and took all the heat. First part of the match was a little sloppy with Justice taking a hiptoss that looked off. Kilo/Justice settled in real good during the heat doing double team moves and looking like a tag team. Some real stiff chops and kicks, as Weezy sucked it up and took it. Hot tag to Flex and crowd was real flat for it. Not a big reaction as you would expect. Flex got shitcanned and Justice pinned Weezy for the win. Best pure wrestling match on the show for psychology and work. Mic work after the match came off as a shoot with Flex saying him/Grind made Dyersburg and Kilo taking exception to that. [**3/4]
----Jeremy Moore beat Gaylon Ray in a Fans Lumberjack Strap Match. They sold straps during intermission. Moore’s High Risk belt was on the line. Jason Reed was the special ref. If Moore won, the Commissionership would stay with Tidwell, if not – Reed would be the Commish. A creative finish with Moore hitting the RKO on both Ray and Reed – Moore pinned Ray and took Reed’s hand [who was selling the RKO] and slapped 1-2-3. Tidwell ended up turning anyway, so Tidwell will be a heel commish in weeks to come. This was not a good match – very little psychology and Ray/Moore are not ready to be in a main event match alone. With that said, the scary thing is that they are both over. Crowd was nuts for this bout from start to finish. Kilo/Mark Justice came out and after the bout and all the heels beat up on Moore including a stuff piledriver. Big Money Gripp [Jeff McDonald Moore’s real life dad] came out and told them to stop. Gripp will be completely turning in a few weeks. The heels came back out with almost everyone gone and continue to beat up Moore, which I thought was overkill. Moore looks like he could be beat up by anyone, so why did it take that many heels to beat him up?? [**] – one for the match – one for the heat.
SOAPBOX: What is a strap match for?? It is designed so the HEEL gets whipped. The ring is usually surrounded by babyfaces and sometimes there will be heels out there to whip the baby, but overall it is designed to keep the wrestlers in the ring and let the heel get his ass whipped. A fans lumberjack strap match would then be designed so the marks can whip on the heels. There were some heel fans that got straps last night, but then there were two wives of the two heel wrestlers that got straps. Along with them chanting for their husbands during their bout, then also participating in NOT whipping Gaylon when he got thrown out and Auburn Thunder even ran around the ring to whip Moore once - it almost ruin the flow of the match. I do know the ladies know better and it was not part of an angle with Thunder or anything. Go with the flow ladies – heels can’t get over in small promotions like this, unless they are heels!! I know you love your husbands, but give them hell once a week – at the show, not at home. LOL Even my kids use to give me hell when I was heel.
----NOTES: There were around 122 paid with a gate around $1,100. There were probably about 140 people in the building. Not what they were expecting, but the group probably made more money on this show than they did on the Rikishi show…The building was just so hot and stuffy even with an AC going…ECBB/Team X were both over with the crowd…Jon Michael called PP “WWE Superstars” and Steele came back with “You guys were on the internet, you didn’t even make TV!!”, which was funny…Pickens is one of the better of the young guys. He is real green, but has tons of potential…Commercials and ads were still up for Simon Dean [Mike Bucci]. A sign was posted at the door that Bucci would not be there, but PP would be there. That was funny. In reality though, probably more people in that area knew who PP were than who Mike Bucci is. And unless, you are a hardcore fan, then Simon Dean has been off TV for a long time. All in all, he didn’t help them draw dime…Jason Reed is one of the most talented guys in this area – as for booking and working – but I think he might have had too much to drink last night. LOL…Excessive with Kilo have the NBW singles title and half of the tag straps...Nothing on the card felt “special” like the last big show. Maybe the heat for the main event and that was it. The company as a whole was not happy with the show either.
FINAL NOTE: I wanted to go ahead and post this. I have some things to say about the Humongous letter and have had comments already from NBW. I will try to post them sometime early tomorrow.