----Here are two letters that I got in response to the Humongous letter I printed yesterday. I had to give NBW workers the opportunity, since Huey told his side of the story. It was good to see that Mark Justice took all of it stride.
First of all he may have been in this business of ours for many years but to be honest he did nothing to impress me or any of the fans of NBW. I will tell you something else that bothers me he wants to run his mouth about our young boys and he had to steal his gimmick from Big Sid. And as far as his money being short that is a lie Jeff gave him what they had agreed on and he wanted to cry about their agreement so yes Jeff gave him an extra 25 dollars and in my opinion if he would have given him 10 dollars he would have still have been paid too much. When he wants to talk about our young boys have not been trained then he is also talking about Mo because he was our trainer until last night. I also need to say that 9 out of 10 of our young boys can work circles around him. He said they did not know how to get heat or work the crowd he was supposed to be a heel and he got no heat what so ever. So before he runs his mouth he needs to look in the mirror.
“Just Joe” [Joe Borders]
The only thing I have to say about what HUGO ( Gary Nations ) had to say about NBW talent is I must have been running late and didn’t know it.......... if I had known he was going to be showing his WWE contract to all the guys that shouldn’t be near a wrestling ring HELL I might have tried to get there a little earlier. LOL But then again opinions are sometimes HUMONGOUS and every one has one. LOL
Mark Justice
----Now what happened?? I have talked with Jeff McDonald and others from NBW. Either there was a misunderstanding on pay or someone was trying to get the best of another. I have had no business dealings with Huey, even though I have seen him; known of him and we both have mutual friends in the business that span almost 15 years. McDonald and Jeremy Moore [the current booker] have a good record for paying guys. The best I can tell that no one has got “short” and if someone is promised a certain amount, then they get it. No matter what the door would happen to be that night.
----The story that I got from McDonald is that Nations accept their offer of $50 to come work along supposedly bringing another worker with him. McDonald gave him the $50, even though nobody came with him, and then Nations told him that he was “short” and that their deal was $75. McDonald did not agree, but to keep himself in good graces with wrestling in general, he gave him the extra $25.
----I can NOT come on here and say which one of the guys here is a liar. I don’t know. Here are the facts though
-Gary got his money.
-Jeff paid him $75.
-Gary drove 8 hours to get to the show.
-Jeff has had a good record paying the guys what he promised.
----I really think there was a misunderstanding somewhere and now it is turned into “heat”. All in all we know Huey will not be welcomed back to NBW.
----I also got the following letter from Humongous. Apparently Jeff was pissed at what was printed here and he gave him a call.
Ok I knew that I would get heat about this but now Jeff is calling me and threaten me so now here is the shoot and I want you to print this.
I have been in this business for over 20 years and I have wrestled everyone from Sting-Flair and have made money all over the world. Now about NBW and they shouldn't even be worth the time I take to type thisbut I will anyway. And as I said I had hoped this would be taken in the right way but again I can see that the marks that are now in control of this business still don't get it. So Ill expl
ain it to you. Just because your sister owns the building that real pro wrestling used to be at doesn't mean that you know how to run it. Also you don't put a kid yes a child in charge of booking because this child has done nothing but watch it on TV.
I sat there last night and watched mass confusion from you about what to do. Mo tried his damnest to explain it to you and you never got it. Now for you to call me and say that you didn't try and short me on my money you know I could have thought it was a misunderstanding on your part but for you to threaten me and tell me that you didn't try and do that well pal we have a problem.
I have traveled the world and work superstar after superstar while the whole time you have paid people to hang out with. So before you call a real worker like you did you should learn the business first.
----Just a few things that I want to add on things that everyone said that I wanted to give my opinion on.
----First, let’s clear up the gimmick. Lord Humongous gimmick was actually “stolen” from the Mad Max movie. His original debut was in 1984 when Jimmy Hart brought him in to get rid of Jerry Lawler. Mike Stark [who is the strength coach for the University of Memphis football team] was the first guy to do the gimmick. I am not sure if this was Stark or Lawler’s idea, but Lawler has always been a big movie mark and added stuff like that to his booking. Jeff Van Camp was the second Humongous and he worked in Continental and Mid-South for Bill Watts. Gary Nations became Lord Humongous in 1984 and has worked everywhere on and off doing the gimmick. Sid Vicious was actually the 4th Humongous and Paul Heyman managed him doing the gimmick. The gimmick has been done by others including Bull Buchanan.
----I do agree that the guys he mentioned in his first letter are the “cream of the crop” in this area. I also think guys like Kilo, Mark Justice and Tank are all good workers. NBW also has four young guys that I really like and think have a future – Jeremy Moore, Gaylon Ray, J Weezy and Slim Pickens. Should they be in the main event and booking the shows?? No way! A lot of the older workers are going to have the same opinion as me and Gary when it comes to having a kid book the show. The only way this is going to get better is that in time Moore books a great show that draws well with the talent he has got.
----Finally, the last thing I want to point out is that even though this was not a good show, there was actually direction and build up that Nations could not see by just walking in for one night. Reed had been established as a heel, Strap match had been book for weeks, Big Money Gripp was bringing in someone to take care of Tank [Huey] and the MO/Alan Steele angle has a team had been book for weeks also. It might have looked like chaos in the back and sometimes it does, but some of this stuff was thought out in advance and got to give them credit for that.
First of all he may have been in this business of ours for many years but to be honest he did nothing to impress me or any of the fans of NBW. I will tell you something else that bothers me he wants to run his mouth about our young boys and he had to steal his gimmick from Big Sid. And as far as his money being short that is a lie Jeff gave him what they had agreed on and he wanted to cry about their agreement so yes Jeff gave him an extra 25 dollars and in my opinion if he would have given him 10 dollars he would have still have been paid too much. When he wants to talk about our young boys have not been trained then he is also talking about Mo because he was our trainer until last night. I also need to say that 9 out of 10 of our young boys can work circles around him. He said they did not know how to get heat or work the crowd he was supposed to be a heel and he got no heat what so ever. So before he runs his mouth he needs to look in the mirror.
“Just Joe” [Joe Borders]
The only thing I have to say about what HUGO ( Gary Nations ) had to say about NBW talent is I must have been running late and didn’t know it.......... if I had known he was going to be showing his WWE contract to all the guys that shouldn’t be near a wrestling ring HELL I might have tried to get there a little earlier. LOL But then again opinions are sometimes HUMONGOUS and every one has one. LOL
Mark Justice
----Now what happened?? I have talked with Jeff McDonald and others from NBW. Either there was a misunderstanding on pay or someone was trying to get the best of another. I have had no business dealings with Huey, even though I have seen him; known of him and we both have mutual friends in the business that span almost 15 years. McDonald and Jeremy Moore [the current booker] have a good record for paying guys. The best I can tell that no one has got “short” and if someone is promised a certain amount, then they get it. No matter what the door would happen to be that night.
----The story that I got from McDonald is that Nations accept their offer of $50 to come work along supposedly bringing another worker with him. McDonald gave him the $50, even though nobody came with him, and then Nations told him that he was “short” and that their deal was $75. McDonald did not agree, but to keep himself in good graces with wrestling in general, he gave him the extra $25.
----I can NOT come on here and say which one of the guys here is a liar. I don’t know. Here are the facts though
-Gary got his money.
-Jeff paid him $75.
-Gary drove 8 hours to get to the show.
-Jeff has had a good record paying the guys what he promised.
----I really think there was a misunderstanding somewhere and now it is turned into “heat”. All in all we know Huey will not be welcomed back to NBW.
----I also got the following letter from Humongous. Apparently Jeff was pissed at what was printed here and he gave him a call.
Ok I knew that I would get heat about this but now Jeff is calling me and threaten me so now here is the shoot and I want you to print this.
I have been in this business for over 20 years and I have wrestled everyone from Sting-Flair and have made money all over the world. Now about NBW and they shouldn't even be worth the time I take to type thisbut I will anyway. And as I said I had hoped this would be taken in the right way but again I can see that the marks that are now in control of this business still don't get it. So Ill expl

I sat there last night and watched mass confusion from you about what to do. Mo tried his damnest to explain it to you and you never got it. Now for you to call me and say that you didn't try and short me on my money you know I could have thought it was a misunderstanding on your part but for you to threaten me and tell me that you didn't try and do that well pal we have a problem.
I have traveled the world and work superstar after superstar while the whole time you have paid people to hang out with. So before you call a real worker like you did you should learn the business first.
----Just a few things that I want to add on things that everyone said that I wanted to give my opinion on.
----First, let’s clear up the gimmick. Lord Humongous gimmick was actually “stolen” from the Mad Max movie. His original debut was in 1984 when Jimmy Hart brought him in to get rid of Jerry Lawler. Mike Stark [who is the strength coach for the University of Memphis football team] was the first guy to do the gimmick. I am not sure if this was Stark or Lawler’s idea, but Lawler has always been a big movie mark and added stuff like that to his booking. Jeff Van Camp was the second Humongous and he worked in Continental and Mid-South for Bill Watts. Gary Nations became Lord Humongous in 1984 and has worked everywhere on and off doing the gimmick. Sid Vicious was actually the 4th Humongous and Paul Heyman managed him doing the gimmick. The gimmick has been done by others including Bull Buchanan.
----I do agree that the guys he mentioned in his first letter are the “cream of the crop” in this area. I also think guys like Kilo, Mark Justice and Tank are all good workers. NBW also has four young guys that I really like and think have a future – Jeremy Moore, Gaylon Ray, J Weezy and Slim Pickens. Should they be in the main event and booking the shows?? No way! A lot of the older workers are going to have the same opinion as me and Gary when it comes to having a kid book the show. The only way this is going to get better is that in time Moore books a great show that draws well with the talent he has got.
----Finally, the last thing I want to point out is that even though this was not a good show, there was actually direction and build up that Nations could not see by just walking in for one night. Reed had been established as a heel, Strap match had been book for weeks, Big Money Gripp was bringing in someone to take care of Tank [Huey] and the MO/Alan Steele angle has a team had been book for weeks also. It might have looked like chaos in the back and sometimes it does, but some of this stuff was thought out in advance and got to give them credit for that.