I want to start out by talking about C.M. Punk. I will go back to putting together the main event for WrestleReunion 1. The original idea for WrestleReunion was not just a legends event. It was designed to showcase the stars of yesterday, today and tomorrow. I had been reading a lot about this kid C.M. Punk so he stood out in my mind. I started asking people about him. I can honestly say that anyone and everyone I asked were in full support of giving this guy the shot. I know that Dusty Rhodes also supported the choice and in my mind this was Dusty’s match. I can remember my final call being to my good friend Mick Foley. He absolutely supported the choice. At that point I informed C.M. Punk that he was the guy. I had enough faith in everyone that I talked to I went with it sight unseen. I can say for sure that I had no idea what C.M Punk even looked like when he got to WrestleReunion. When I met Punk I could see that he was a good guy and was very appreciative of the opportunity. I watched how he conducted himself that whole weekend. I knew that my friends had lead me down the right road and I was proud of the chance that I had given to an up and coming talent. All of the young talent that was selected to be a part of Pro Wrestling’s largest convention were so respectful of the chance to be surrounded by all the legends.
I see in C.M Punk someone who is being pushed because the fans have demanded it. I have been scratching my head all along wondering "doesn’t creative get it"? Btw, the word "creative", that gets thrown all over the place, is the equivalent of saying “those people”. Does anyone really believe that if Vince McMahon told creative to "find something" or "I want this person getting a push" that creative would not come up with something? I appreciate that the fans are being so vocal and doing what is necessary to get WWE to use worthy talent correctly. I have watched the same thing happen for years. I can remember years ago watching them try to “cool off” Jimmy Snuka. I watched the same thing go on the last few years with Rob Van Dam and Matt Hardy. I hope that the fans understand that if they are strong and unite then they can stop having bad talent shoved down their throat. If you demand something long enough even the WWE will be forced to listen to you.
What if, in the interest of damage control, Vince had brought out all the suspended wrestlers and told everyone right on television that they were suspended? I can not imagine anything looking better to Congress than a move like that. In reality, if they cut all these guys loose what would it really mean to the bottom line?I can tell you that in my estimation, it would not mean one thing to the bottom line. In the past I remember thinking that the roof would have fallen in when this one or that one left. In retrospect, it never happened. It would be the same case now. I think that now is the time for the survival of the fittest. If I was McMahon I would be saving my company, my family and my stockholders but not necessarily in that order. If you think this is crazy remember two things... #1 ALL talent IS 100% expendable. The other is that although McMahon appears to be made of Teflon, so did John Gotti and Al Capone. In the end it all caught up to them. I don’t think this is the end for Vince McMahon but it sure could be a new beginning for Sports Entertainment/Pro Wrestling
If I was Dixie Carter i'd be upset she put her company on the radar by hiring Pacman Jones. I can only imagine the presentation that she will make to Congress. In the long run the implications here are simple. It will mean that her company will be under the microscope for a long time. I hope that Dixie is intelligent enough to bring in outside representation to go through this process. This isn’t like booking a stupid angle; you get a chance to start over. You have one shot to make Congress and the country perceive you as competent and credible. If you look at this mess sensibly what more than likely happen will be sanctions and or restrictions will be put in place. It would seem that the biggest problems with the sanctions, restrictions and mandatory testing will be the cost associated with them. If I am WWE I am already spending these dollars and they are figured into my budget. If I am TNA or any other company, where are these dollars coming from? If I did come up with the money it only makes the hole I am digging deeper and filled with more red ink.
Back in the late eighties I was booked for the WWC anniversary show in Puerto Rico. I was working with the tag team champions Miguelito Perez and Hurrican Castillo Jr. as they defended the titles against Jerry Morrow and Cuban Assassin a new team in the territory. It was Jerry Morrow and Cuban Assassin that they were facing. There was a huge crowd 30,000+ in an outdoor stadium. In the main event later that night I worked with Carlos Colon and El Sadistico Steve Strong. I had been named World Wrestling Council referee of the year for 1989. I was pleased with the honor but I also understood it meant spotlight duty that night. In the opening match everything went well. The crowd was very responsive especially when he heels went over. It was a heel finish and the crowd was irate as the two fan favorites lost their titles. As I was walking back from the ring with Miguelito and Hurrican and all of a sudden I heard Miguelito tell me to get behind him. It was only seconds after that Miguelito was on the ground in pain. A fan had thrown a rock, meant for me, and it hit him in the groin. I will be forever grateful to Miguelito for the rock he took in protecting me. He also knew enough about the area to know that I could have a problem with the finish that we had just done. This is just one story that comes from my trips to the island.
As a final note I would like to make one more appearance on Memphis Wrestling. I want to challenge Jerry Lawler, Corey Maclin and two other wrestlers who I will not name at this time to take a lie detector test. If they pass the lie detector test I will give them $10,000.00. I would have this all handled legally so they would be assured to get their money. I also want to define passing the test, they would have to answer all questions truthfully and the answers would have to support the statements that Jerry Lawler made under oath in court. In the case of the two unnamed wrestlers all they would have to do is to testify to Jerry Lawler’s intentions were that night. It’s very simple if no lies have been told. I would also make a very definite condition that Corey Maclin and Jerry Lawler would both have to take the test. If I am Corey Maclin I would think this could be the highest rated show for Memphis Wrestling in recent years. Just think about it Jerry Lawler being hooked up to a lie detector and asked questions. Now Corey please feel free to make all the smart ass comments and or try to turn this into angle. I am sure the City of Memphis and the wrestling world will look forward to your response.
I see in C.M Punk someone who is being pushed because the fans have demanded it. I have been scratching my head all along wondering "doesn’t creative get it"? Btw, the word "creative", that gets thrown all over the place, is the equivalent of saying “those people”. Does anyone really believe that if Vince McMahon told creative to "find something" or "I want this person getting a push" that creative would not come up with something? I appreciate that the fans are being so vocal and doing what is necessary to get WWE to use worthy talent correctly. I have watched the same thing happen for years. I can remember years ago watching them try to “cool off” Jimmy Snuka. I watched the same thing go on the last few years with Rob Van Dam and Matt Hardy. I hope that the fans understand that if they are strong and unite then they can stop having bad talent shoved down their throat. If you demand something long enough even the WWE will be forced to listen to you.
What if, in the interest of damage control, Vince had brought out all the suspended wrestlers and told everyone right on television that they were suspended? I can not imagine anything looking better to Congress than a move like that. In reality, if they cut all these guys loose what would it really mean to the bottom line?I can tell you that in my estimation, it would not mean one thing to the bottom line. In the past I remember thinking that the roof would have fallen in when this one or that one left. In retrospect, it never happened. It would be the same case now. I think that now is the time for the survival of the fittest. If I was McMahon I would be saving my company, my family and my stockholders but not necessarily in that order. If you think this is crazy remember two things... #1 ALL talent IS 100% expendable. The other is that although McMahon appears to be made of Teflon, so did John Gotti and Al Capone. In the end it all caught up to them. I don’t think this is the end for Vince McMahon but it sure could be a new beginning for Sports Entertainment/Pro Wrestling
If I was Dixie Carter i'd be upset she put her company on the radar by hiring Pacman Jones. I can only imagine the presentation that she will make to Congress. In the long run the implications here are simple. It will mean that her company will be under the microscope for a long time. I hope that Dixie is intelligent enough to bring in outside representation to go through this process. This isn’t like booking a stupid angle; you get a chance to start over. You have one shot to make Congress and the country perceive you as competent and credible. If you look at this mess sensibly what more than likely happen will be sanctions and or restrictions will be put in place. It would seem that the biggest problems with the sanctions, restrictions and mandatory testing will be the cost associated with them. If I am WWE I am already spending these dollars and they are figured into my budget. If I am TNA or any other company, where are these dollars coming from? If I did come up with the money it only makes the hole I am digging deeper and filled with more red ink.
Back in the late eighties I was booked for the WWC anniversary show in Puerto Rico. I was working with the tag team champions Miguelito Perez and Hurrican Castillo Jr. as they defended the titles against Jerry Morrow and Cuban Assassin a new team in the territory. It was Jerry Morrow and Cuban Assassin that they were facing. There was a huge crowd 30,000+ in an outdoor stadium. In the main event later that night I worked with Carlos Colon and El Sadistico Steve Strong. I had been named World Wrestling Council referee of the year for 1989. I was pleased with the honor but I also understood it meant spotlight duty that night. In the opening match everything went well. The crowd was very responsive especially when he heels went over. It was a heel finish and the crowd was irate as the two fan favorites lost their titles. As I was walking back from the ring with Miguelito and Hurrican and all of a sudden I heard Miguelito tell me to get behind him. It was only seconds after that Miguelito was on the ground in pain. A fan had thrown a rock, meant for me, and it hit him in the groin. I will be forever grateful to Miguelito for the rock he took in protecting me. He also knew enough about the area to know that I could have a problem with the finish that we had just done. This is just one story that comes from my trips to the island.
As a final note I would like to make one more appearance on Memphis Wrestling. I want to challenge Jerry Lawler, Corey Maclin and two other wrestlers who I will not name at this time to take a lie detector test. If they pass the lie detector test I will give them $10,000.00. I would have this all handled legally so they would be assured to get their money. I also want to define passing the test, they would have to answer all questions truthfully and the answers would have to support the statements that Jerry Lawler made under oath in court. In the case of the two unnamed wrestlers all they would have to do is to testify to Jerry Lawler’s intentions were that night. It’s very simple if no lies have been told. I would also make a very definite condition that Corey Maclin and Jerry Lawler would both have to take the test. If I am Corey Maclin I would think this could be the highest rated show for Memphis Wrestling in recent years. Just think about it Jerry Lawler being hooked up to a lie detector and asked questions. Now Corey please feel free to make all the smart ass comments and or try to turn this into angle. I am sure the City of Memphis and the wrestling world will look forward to your response.
You may have noticed that at the top of this column I have included a picture of Afa The Wild Samoan, Dominic Marcello (The man who started me in the business) and myself. This picture was taken when I first got involved in pro wrestling