Wildside and Randy are behind the desk (yes still in gear). Randy gets a phone call from Big Boy Bob and Bob tells him to play the first match, so here it goes...
Crowd is up this week with 55 - 60 in the crowd.
1st Match
# 1 Contender's Match
Dre Black vs Steven Rampage vs Weasel
Match starts as an interview with Dre Black, Rampage interupts and challenges Dre to a match. Hotrod says that since he is acting commish for the night (because Seymore had been jumped by Wildside at the TV studio the previous week) he would make the match a # 1 Contender's Match. This prompted Weasel to come out thus making it a triple threat. Dre and Weasel team up on Rampage to start the match. Dre seems a little sloppy in his execution. The match is really slow paced and the crowd is not into it much. Rampage does hit a sick looking piledriver on Dre in the match. Really good looking piledriver. Weasel rolls up Rampage for the win. 1 1/3 Stars.
Camera then goes to Jon Seymore making another phone call....looks like the same thing they showed earlier. Back to the studio where Randy gets a txt message from Steven Rampage telling them to start the next match...
2nd Match
AC Havoc vs Overkill
AC comes out with a kendo stick. Does everyone in TIWF need a kendo stick? AC threw some really good punches in this match but thats about all he does. Overkill completely misses a slingshot leg drop....and I mean completely misses it, yet they both sell it. Overkill hits an Unprettier which Hotrod calls a "Tamakazi"...yep thats what he said, followed by a running backflip for the pin. Match was sloppy but a better match than I expected. Both these guys need gear. 1 1/3 Stars.
3rd Match
TV Title Match
Spyder (c) vs Chico Mendoza
Chico brought a pit-bull into the ring with him. I guess he didn't get that Michael Vick note. Crowd was dead during this match. Spyder is looking really good in this match. The heat is lasting for a long time. Spyder wins with a botched front face drop suplex. This is without a doubt the best match I've seen Chico Mendoza in. He still needs to learn to "sell" instead of just laying on the ground though. Spyder has gotten so much better than the first time I saw him. I still say he needs a promo video shot in a "pub" of him fighting with the other patrons as training. TIWF I know you guys read this, so please use the idea. 2 Stars.
4th Match
TIWF Title Match
Wildside (c) vs PK Ripper
Match is only one highlight long. Wildside says that the whole match could not be shown because too many children would attempt to copy his death defying, high flying moves (This came off real good) ....Someone is beating on the studio door....alarms are sounding....PK Ripper appears behind Wildside and Randy with kendo stick in hand. Wildside and Randy run off. PK and Seymore are now the hosts and they go back to the match...
This is basically the same match the two always have, thats not a bad thing its just the same thing they always do. Although the tornado ddt was reversed in this match. PK hits a superplex and Wildside rolls out of the ring. He grabs the belt and starts to leave, PK grabs the kendo stick and chases Wildside out of the building. Double count-out. Bullshit ending for a really good match. I guess the rumors are true about certain people in TIWF not wanting to do a clean job. Match would have been 2 3/4 Stars...but because we were robbed on the ending the match gets 2 1/4 Stars.
This was a better show than most. They showed less matches but they showed some higher quality matches (TV & TIWF Title Matches) and for the most part they aired the entire match. This is what they need to do more often.
It has also come to my attention that some (most) within the TIWF feel that I am bashing them in these reports. They claim that I am lying about attendance. Well I'm not, the first time they ran on TV there were like 15 people there. At this show there was 55 - 60. I count all the people except the announcers, the refs, the wrestlers, and the woman running concessions. I also call everything as I see it. If something is done well or I like it, then I give it props. If its done shitty or I don't like it then I will blast it. When a movie reviewer tells you a movie sucks you might disagree, but thats his opinion...he might be right...he might be wrong. Please understand this. I will now tell you some things that I like about the product and some that I don't.
-Wildside as a host. He is great on the mike and is a natural in front of the camera.
-The improved graphics and the fixing of the technical difficulties.
-The matches that are given a chance to build a story by not being cut up and edited.
-People without gear. It looks unprofessional.
-Hotrod making up words.
-Jon Seymore as a host. This guy is bad, replace him.
-No "real" tag teams. Actually no tag teams at all most of the time.
This was not a complete list, but I don't have all day to write this. If TIWF could continue to improve then I would be overjoyed, because it would make the time I take to review their shows more enjoyable. But remember I will call things as I see them. If you get a bad review then do better. If you get a good review then keep it up. Until next week.