----I will be adding a new feature to this site called F
LASHBACK in the next week or so. I will be adding a link from the main page and such. It will feature photos, articles and videos from mainly my collection of stuff from the days as a photographer, a manager, a promoter and I also have all 18 issues of my old zine RASSLIN RIOT that I will scan some stuff from. I posted a photo a few weeks back titled "
Cool Pic", which would have fit right in with this FLASHBACK theme. Today's FLASHBACK features a photo taken in 2001 of two members of the heel group "Code Red". The group was formed in Chaotic Championship Wrestling managed by Auburn Thunder, who we all called Red. I stole the name from the "Code Red" Mountain Dew on a road trip. The group consisted of Kade,Kilo and Paul Justice along with these two guys. Are you able to tell who these guys are??
----ALSO, as you can see I have RassleTube to the right and I will post all the parts of this TLCW, which was the promo show for the
"Super Summer Showdown" with Jerry Lawler. I have also posted a new poll, so you can tell me just how bad I was on TV!! LOL