Arena Report
ECW Live!
Black River ColiseumPoplar Bluff, MO
Memories! Oh memories!
For the first time since January 2003, I visited the Black River Coliseum in Poplar Bluff, MO, for the ECW house show at the venue. For local wrestling fans who do not recall, this building holds some interesting memories for yours truly.
First, in 2001, the original ECW ran its next to last house show there drawing approximately 1,500 fans. That night was special for more than one reason. Owner of this very website, Brian “Coach BT” Tramel was able to secure a tryout for two of his tag teams. This tryout took place in front of the ECW locker room following the night’s events. Unfortunately, one night later in Pine Bluff, AR, ECW held its last show . . . or at least what was thought to be its last show.
Later that year, as part of Memphis Championship Wrestling, I was able to be a part of that company’s June show at the same arena. Around 1,300 were there for it. And I guess as the curse held true, less than a week later, MCW lost its developmental deal with WWE. Maybe people shouldn’t book this building!
In January 2003, as a co-owner of Lethal Attitude Wrestling (LAW), I helped promote Black River Brawl, a show featuring a number of big name talents and local stars. We had around 1,100 there with about 650 or so paid.
Last night, more than 2,500 fans attended the new version of ECW’s house show. My wife Nichole and I made the 100 mile trip from Newport, AR, to see the event. We didn’t buy advanced tickets. I knew this wouldn’t be a sellout, so I just decided to buy at the door. When we arrived a long line flowed from the entrance of the Black River Coliseum all the way to the street. I was impressed and thinking how much money I could be making if I were promoting this show. Just kidding! Well, actually I’m not, but anyway, despite not having a ticket, we were able to get third row floor seats. Somehow a pair was left and I guess we somehow ended up with them. We had to rub that fact into a few friends face. Heels!
Prior to his match, Tommy Dreamer made note that tonight’s crowd was the largest ECW attendance since they started their new tour. Of course, the cynical person in me said, “Yeah. I bet you tell that to all the towns.” However, this has been verified by http://www.pwinsider.com/. They said that approximately 2,600 were in attendance. I was close with the guess of 2,500. At a ticket price of $25, that’s a $65,000 house. Not bad at all.Four events have been promoted in the history of the Black River Coliseum, which was built in 1999. The first was the ECW show in January 2001. Then, the MCW show in June 2001. Then, January 2003 was the date for the LAW show and last summer, Harley Race’s World League Wrestling held a show there featuring a special appearance by the “American Dream” Dusty Rhodes.
Looking back, hindsight is always 20/20. The first two events were sold shows, so the promotion had nothing to lose. By the time, we (LAW) tried, the sold show option was out. We had to offer a percentage of our gate, which was good because there were no upfront fees, but bad since the percentage was relatively high.
The first three shows there had too high ticket prices. Front row for the ECW and MCW shows were either $40 or $50 and the LAW front row was $40. These included meet and greets, but in an area that is not the richest, $40 or $50 per head is high. I think the $25 ticket price was perfect. That, in my opinion, is a big reason that ECW drew 2,600 people.ECW, this time, also had the advantage that we (LAW) didn’t. The venue now charges a small, flat rate for arena rental. Let’s just say that ECW cleared nearly 98% of their gate money - that is if they were charged the rental rates that we’re set forth for the coliseum. I’m sure another deal could have been made, but I doubt it. The arena also charges a $1 per ticket service fee. So they got $2,600 right off the bat, plus a base rate. And the arena takes 100% of concessions and 25% of merchandise (30% if they provide the workers).So it was a very good night for both ECW and BRC. Now, I’ll get down to who wrestled who and what not.
Rene Dupree vs. Balls MahoneyIn the opener, Rene Dupree faced ECW Original Balls Mahoney. It was a fun little match. Balls was way over as the crowd chanted the “Balls, Balls, Balls” catcall every time the former ECW Tag Champ hit a punch. A poor front row fan was tossed before the match even started. Dupree came over to him and knocked his hat off. From my viewpoint, I couldn’t tell if the kid touched Dupree or what, but security got rid of him, so I’m assuming he did. What a poor sap. Thirty seconds into the show and he’s out in the parking lot. One more pre-match note, ring announcer Justin Roberts came to the ring and his microphone wouldn’t work, so he had to wait around for someone to bring him another one. Personally, I’ve been there and felt that situation!Match was good for what it was. Nothing fancy, but some nice wrestling by Balls. Some of these “hardcore” guys can actually work when they want to. Interesting chants during this one like “You Suck D***,” and “You Take Roids.” Obviously the steroids chant was directed at Rene.Balls hits the Nutcracker Suite for the win.
Winner: Balls Mahoney
Derrick Neikirk & Ryan O’Reilly vs. The FBIThe Full Blooded Italians of Little Guido & Tony Mamaluke faced Derrick Neikirk & Ryan O’Reilly in tag team action. It was a fun little match. Biggest thing I noticed – use of the old school tag rope!
Winners: The FBI
Kevin Thorne (w/Ariel) vs. CM PunkAriel is hot! Something about that gothic gear makes me . . . want to report on this match. Thorne is, of course, not stranger to fans in this region. He worked as Seven for MCW and has actually competed at the Coliseum twice before. He was on the June 2001 MCW show and teamed with Gangrel against Nick “Eugene” Dinsmore and Flex (Too Cool II) at the LAW event.
One funny spot saw Thorne whip Punk into the ropes, miss a close line and then Punk flashed him a cross sign with his fingers. Thorne and Ariel freaked out and then a fan in the audience actually brought a cross and a jar of garlic with him to the arena. Classic!I must say that I was shocked with how over Punk was. I guess most of the fans in attendance are internet marks, because Punk, to my knowledge, has never worked anywhere close to this area during his career.Winner: CM Punk
“Extreme Vixxen Body Contest”Next up was an “Extreme Vixxen Body Contest” between the “Queen of Extreme” Francine and Kelly Kelly. Both looked good. Crowd gave it to Kelly. Kelly and Francine had a weak catfight. Then Kelly started to strip, Mike Knox came out to cover her up, Brian Thompson went for a pee break and then Sandman came out to start . . .
Sandman vs. Mike KnoxNothing fancy here. Entrance for Sandman was great, although I still miss “Enter Sandman,” but wouldn’t spend the money to get it either if I were Vince. Match ended with Sandman hitting Knox with the Singapore Cane for the DQ. He caned him all the way to the back, then came back to the ring to celebrate before intermission. Quick note that I didn’t mention during the Thorne/Punk report: Scott Armstrong was in the house referring. Good to see him getting work. The Armstrongs are a great wrestling family.
Winner: Mike Knox
Tommy Dreamer vs. TestWe’re back from intermission. Tommy Dreamer gets on the mic and puts over Poplar Bluff as being hardcore and then makes the statement about the ECW attendance. Then he says they need to do TV or bring a pay-per-view to Bluff. That got big ol’ pop.Decent match. Fans started the “steroids” chant on Test. Test went over with his new “Diamond Cutter” looking finisher.
Winner: Test
Rob Van Dam vs. Kurt AngleRVD got the loudest pop of the night and was in the midst of a nice match with Kurt Angle, when Angle hit a “German Suplex,” on Van Dam. Unfortunately, RVD looked to have landed on his neck. Was a scary moment. Agent Steve Keirn, who was at ringside all night, looked concerned. RVD was able to move, but was slow. Reports on http://www.pwinsider.com/ have indicated that Van Dam is alright. Thank God. That was one of the scariest moments I’ve ever seen live. Only other thing I can remember as scary was when Thorne (as Seven) hit Stan Lee with a clothesline that broke his jaw in Dyersburg, TN. That was brutual.Angle ends up going over with the ankle lock.
Winner: Kurt Angle
Main Event: ECW Title(Champion) Big Show vs. SabuIt’s good to see Sabu getting a good run at this stage in his career. He has put his body through HELL! Sabu and Show worked the “David vs. Goliath” type story here. Sabu ended up hitting show with the chair a few times and ended up brining out two tables. He DDT’d Show through the first one and was then choke slammed through the other one as Show got the 1-2-3. Overall a fun match to end a fun night.Winner: Big Show – Still ECW Champion.
Final Notes:It was nice to see Poplar Bluff wrestling fans come out. Southeast Missouri doesn’t get much wrestling these days. Since CCW is no more and LAW sticks to Northeast Arkansas there is hardly anyone running that area of the state. WLW comes through on rare occasion and I understand that ICW is in Puxico, MO this Saturday for that town’s annual fair. Other than that, you have to drive to St. Louis for WWE or Gateway, which also comes to Cape Girardeau here and there.
Indy workers in attendance last night should note a few things. The guys weren’t all in t-shirts and jeans, unless it fits their gimmick (Balls, Sandman), they all looked in good ring shape and they used some simple psychology (not high spot, high spot, high spot). Food for thought.
Thanks for reading!
Brian Thompsonbptbookings@yahoo.com