Memphis Wrestling TV Report 8.05.06
----Cory Maclin opens the show. Show was taped last week. He promises an up close look at the “Wild & Crazy Clowns” and he mentions an interview from Lawler with WWE coming to Memphis on Monday.
----“Too Cool 2” [Tim Grind/Flex] do an interview about “Picture Perfect”. TC2 beat “PP”

----Nate The Rat with “The Cowboys” [Bill Nasty/Ricky Murdoch] interview. “Cowboys” are doing the Stan Hansen gimmick as Nate said they were beer drinking tobacco chewing crazy cowboys. Nate is not in the Elvis gimmick anymore, which is a good thing. Interview was a little too long. Both guys had tobacco juice running down their chest.
----“Opening The Vault” classic clip – Jerry Lawler vs Humongous. Lawler came to the ring with a Huey mask. Not sure, but this Huey could have been Mike Stark?? Lawler got out of the shendomauke and pulled down the strap!!
----Rashad with “Clowns” interview. They were finally named today – “Mr. Giggles” [Poker] and “Bobo” [Rude]. Giggles/Bobo beat Drew Donavon/Bishop. Good match. Got the heat on Bishop with a hot tag from Drew. Donavon is not believeable with the hot tag. Ref’s head turned and Giggles rakeed a cut lemon [yes you are reading that right] in Donavon’s face and got a roll up for the pin. Giggles also had a banana out and it scared me when I wondered what he was going to do with it. Here is you a finish – throw down the peel and let someone fall. LOL After the bout, the Clowns had a remote car and had some kids get in the ring. They were going to give the car to one of the boys. Then Giggles just stomped it doing his best Ted Dibiase imitation along with Bobo elbowing it.
----Lawler interview plugs his personal appearances, action figures and his new DVDs. Lawler talks about ECW in Jackson, TN Sunday night. Lawler reads an “e-mail” that says wrestling is predetermined [Lawler says, “It is??”] and everyone knows Lawler is going to be beat by Orton. Lawler then pretty much said that WWE writes stuff like that when people go to their hometowns like when JR got beat up in Oklahoma. Lawler said that might be what they have in store for him. WTF?? Kayfabe!!! Kayfabe!!! LOL
----Mr America video package aired. This is good for all the young guys. America is over big time with this gimmick. Not as good as the Kevin White video last week, but good.
----Bill Dundee/”Hot Topic” [Derrick King/Stan Lee] interview. Dundee says he has been wrestling in the 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s and 2000s. I loved that. He admits how old he is and Lawler tried to hide his age. Kevin White joined Cory fo

FINAL NOTES: Tatt2 did the “169” and Cory never calls it that. Ok, I hate when indy guys steal big time moves, but if he is going to do – either call it 169 or something. Cory favorite though is “whatta move!!!” or “big move”…Real good show today as the sound was fixed, three good bouts and the video of America. This is the kind of show that helps get everyone over…Still not sold with the Clowns, but they are making me laugh. And, they are two good workers.
—-This report is seen every week — same Bat time/same bat channel @