"THE GOLDEN CIRLCE" with "The Golden Boy" Greg Anthony
Would the real champion please stand up.
There are currently 6 World Champions competing in the US. Edge(RAW), King Booker(Smackdown), Big Show(ECW), Jeff Jarrett(NWA), Bryan Danielson(ROH) & Ric Converse(AWA). Now since the early days of pro wrestling their has always been more than one world champion. In the territoral days each big market had its own version of the world title, Los Angeles, Chicago and New York being the biggest. In that era, fans didn't know that their was a world champion in Chicago if they lived in New York and visa versa. Now with television and the web everyone knows who and where people are claiming to be world champions. So what would happen if on one magical night all the companies got together to crown the first real World Heavyweight Champion? Well, since this is my column then I'm booking this show... so this is how it would go.
First Round Match One
King Booker(Smackdown) vs Ric Converse(AWA)
Now I'll be honest I've never seen Mr. Converse work. So on that fact alone, I'd have to put Booker over strong in this one with the scissors kick.
First Round Match Two
Jeff Jarrett(NWA) vs Bryan Danielson(ROH)
Now I can see this match as a sleeper.. some may not think its good on paper with the different in styles but I think thats what would make it great. Finish... The Stroke reversed into Cattle Mutalation for the submission victory for "American Dragon" Bryan Danielson.
First Round Match Three
Edge(RAW) vs The Big Show(ECW)
Big Show cut promo about how he's an extreme giant and since he's the ECW champ, he wrestles on a different level than the other champions so... this match is Extreme Rules! Edge being the newly proclaimed "Hardcore Legend" goes over with a violent spear through a barbwire infested table.
Since we have 3 wrestlers and this a "world" title tourny then I would use the European Coin Toss with the odd man out getting a bye to finals while the other two battle it out in the semi-finals.
Edge flips coin.... heads

Danielson flips coin.... tails
Booker flips coin.... tails
King Booker(Smackdown) vs. Bryan Danielson(ROH)
I'd love to really see this match. Booker has become an underrated catch wrestler over the last couple of years. I think a 5 star worker like Danielson could really bring out that in King Booker like Chris Benoit did almost a decade ago. Great 20-25 minute match when Booker hits the scissors kick and as he covers Danielson 1...2... Danielson slides out and ends on top with Cattle Mutalation locked in... Booker has no choice but to submit.
Edge(RAW) vs Bryan Danielson(ROH)
Well here we are. This would truely be a dream match for me and since this is all a dream then score one for me. Excellent back and forth match Finish.... after teasing Cattle Mutalation all match Danielson locks it in and is grinding Edge down when Lita draws the ref... Edge low blows Danielson and hits the spear 1...2... Danielson kicks out. Edge livid gets back up and calls for yet another spear.... Danielson moves out of the way as Edge runs head first into the turnbuckle Danielson hits Edge with a Tiger Suplex and keeps his hands locked and rolls directly into cattle mutalation.... Edge ready to quit on the spot with Lita is back on the apron.. John Cena comes and carries off Lita with the refs attention still drawn towards Cena/Lita Triple H slides in from the crowd and hits Danielson with a Pedigree. Triple H slides out and Edge slides on top

So there you have it Edge is your one true world champion. Why did Triple H interfere? Is Danielson going to retaliate? Well tune into RAW.... I mean if this wasn't all just a Dream!
If you have your own tourny or thought on mine email me @
tgb_the_golden_boy@hotmail.com with the subject title REAL WORLD CHAMPION!