“Picture Perfect” Not So Perfect
----Talk about the bad luck. Christian Jacobs in the last 10 days has had a sinus infection, a spider bite and now he is scheduled for a hernia operation. Jacobs has an umbilical hernia and after Googling it, I found the following…
“Umbilical hernias often occur in adulthood because of progressive and significant tension on the congenital area of weakness beneath the navel. This develops through the normal stresses and strains of daily activity. Standard techniques still widely utilized today attempt to repair these hernias by simply closing the muscle defect with sutures placing the muscle tissue under significant tension. Often in these older method repair techniques, muscle layers are overlapped. Such suturing not only recreates the muscle layer tension that originally created the hernia defect, but too often this process also weakens adjacent tissue layers as well. Moreover, this leads to unnecessary pulling of the tissues at the hernia area. We know that any tension on sutured muscles inhibits normal healing and causes swelling, pain and prolonged recuperation. These older suture-only techniques have been shown to be less effective than Tension Free mesh repairs with a significantly higher recurrent hernia rate later on.”
…I just got off the phone with CJ and he says he is scheduled for surgery on Monday. The doctor also told him that he will be out of action for at least four weeks.

----Chris O’Neal suffered a severe laceration on his back in Ripley,TN on July 29, 2006, so the team’s luck is not too good. Apparently O’Neal is going to try to return on Friday night in Corinth, MS for USWF and is going to try his best to work Memphis TV.
----John Michael, who usually is the one injuried, is in perfect health.