8.04.06 USWF Corinth, MS Results
---Danny Morris beat Prime Time Nick Grymes and afterwards attacked Nick with a chair tearing some legiments in his arm (its a work, that was just his last USWF match) , Psycho beat Izzy Rotten by dq when Omega and Justin Rhodes got involved ( it was kinda like sgwa vs. xow cause Izzy works sgwa and Psycho works xow and they both run saturdays in northeast ms) tatt2 beat oz, buzz harley and reno diamond beat mitch torreta and brian steele w/ nikki lace, keith haynes jr, chris rocker, and psycho beat justin rhodes, omega, and izzy rotten ( justin rhodes cracked his ankle during the match and left, he tried to come back but had to leave again due to the injury - THIS WAS LEGIT ]and in the Main Event - Bishop won a big battle royal w/ Rocker, Oz, Tatt2, Izzy Rotten, Steele, Torreta, Danny Morris, Keith Haynes Jr, and others to win the USWF Championship — last two in the ring were Rocker/Steele — Rocker eliminated Steele, then Bishop slid in [waiting outside the ring] and threw Rocker out to be the new champ.