----As reported here earlier today, Memphis Wrestling will be moving from 11:00 AM to 10:00 PM on Saturdays. I was surprised at all the response that I got from this announcement. All of it was negative. The show will still air live on the UPN Jackson station @ 11:00 AM, but Memphis UPN, which will become part of the CW Network has decided to move it to 10:00 PM. Talking with a few people in the business today, we mostly agreed that if it was any other wrestling TV show, then we would be happy booking a 10:00 PM show on Saturday nights. But, the tradition of Memphis Wrestling being on at 11:00 AM for so many years will hurt the product. For those viewers that just watch it because that is what they have done for so many years – they will stop watching it. A few of the workers that I talked to feel this is the end of Memphis Wrestling. I guess we will have to watch and see if they can draw a big house in Southaven with a late night show.
----Dustin Star seems to be happy these days. He worked the TV shows for WWE this past week. WWE were impressed with him and have told him he is welcome to work any dates as an extra. He was scheduled to do the police part that Alan Steel got, but WWE

favored Steel because of Dustin’s hair. So, Dustin got to work in Steel’s place on Heat, but they still listed him as Donald Lamb [Steel’s shoot name]. He stated that he did what he was told and he will be making as many WWE dates as he can that are driving distance.
----From today’s
http://www.wrestlingobserver.com"Scott D'Amore will be doing a training camp on 9/16 in Streamwood, IL from 2-4 p.m. For more info you can call Ed Chuman at 630-539-4541. Camp is open to all wrestlers looking to be seen by D'Amore and evaluated. Cost is $50."
----Local guys that are serious about making it in this business need to make a call to Chuman and arrange to be seen by D’amore.