Memphis Wrestling TV Report 8.12.06
----Cory Maclin opens the show promising a big announcement later today. He goes over the show and out for commercial.
-----“Too Cool 2” [Tim Grind/Flex] interview – “No one can beat us!!” MW Tag Team Title Match: Kevin White/Brickhouse Brown beat Grind/Flex to win the tag belts. Real good start with good shine for the faces. Heat on White. Hot tag to Brick, but ref did not see it. Brick is sent back to the corner and Grind tries to hit White with title belt as Flex holds him. White ducks, but Grind stops before hitting Flex. White then dropkicks Grind into Flex and does a roll up for the win and titles. Brick also dropkicked Flex and pinned him at the same time.
----Big Announcement – Memphis Only!! --- TV show moves to Saturday night at 10:00 PM. September 2, 2006. Maclin announces it as “Prime Time” move?? That is not prime time is it?? It will start airing at 11:00 PM in Jackson, TN on the CW station the same date. What this will do to the ratings and gates time will only show. Not sure why the move is first week of September because the CW Network does not start until September 20, 2006.
----Nate The Rat comes out with Elvis gimmick for the “Elvis” week celebration in Memphis. He claims to be Elvis’ friend and taught him karate. “The Cowboys” [Bill Nasty/Ricky Murcoch] beat “Picture Perfect” V3 [Chris O’Neal/John Michael]. Cowboys jumped them before the bell and ate them up. All the heat on Michael and then a hot tag from O’Neal, who was then totally cut off. Total squash!! Who did these guys piss off?? Nasty/Murdoch didn’t do anything wrong, but both look totally out of shape.
----“Wild & Crazy Clowns” [Mr. Giggles/Bobo] interview with Rashad. Clowns beat Tatt2/Neil Taylor. Tatt2 looked good today. Heat on him—hot tag to Taylor. Taylor set Giggles up, so Tatt2 can do the 169, but Rashad pulls the ropes and he crashes to the floor. Bobo then hits Taylor with the baseball in the sock in the back and Giggles pins him. Good shine for Tatt2 and heat was good for the Clowns. Taylor was in for 5 seconds and did the job.
----Nate comes out with Cowboys to do “greatest impersonation of Elvis ever”. The Cowboys put up a black curtain. When the curtain comes down, Nate is on his back on the announcer’s table with flowers on his stomach. LOL He then says, “Get over it – Elvis is dead!!” Thi

----“Hot Topic” [Stan Lee/Derrick King] interview. “Hillbilly” Jethro with Grady Watson/Mr. America beat by DQ Lee/King. Heat on America. Hot tag Jethro. He looked good here with Lee/King bumping all over the place. King got a chain and was going to hit America, but ref Jerry Calhoun stopped him. King hit him for the DQ, then they started beating on America/Jethro. Calhoun then ran over and punched King & they bailed out of the ring.
----Nate The Rat comes out and is screaming. He says that Lawler tried to break is neck like “Randy Kaufman”. [Yes..he said that] Cory corrected him. Nate promised to get someone to break Lawler’s neck and get “that Tramp” Renee.
FINAL NOTE: A good show today. Three matches looks to be the key to having a good show. They wrap interviews around the three matches and everyone has time for the matches/interviews…Lee beating up on Jethro was not believing. Calhoun slugging King was stupid. Make a worker look like he can get beat up by a ref. That just makes no sense to me…Nate, who I usually do not like, was good today. Looks like they might be starting a bounty angle with Nate bringing in people to hurt Lawler. But, who knows?? They never do many angles that have logic, so why start now…Renee looked nice in a tight red leather suit…White/Brick are not a bad team, but IMHO neither one of them needs a belt to get over. I would have put the belts on “Picture Perfect” with a surprise win, but they squash one of the only teams that gets a reaction on TV. They are probably going to put the belts on the Cowboys. Ugh!!... The www.Wikipedia.com says “…generally accepted times considered to be traditional prime time are 7:00pm to 10:00pm Central”. Cory is such a goof!!!!...The best that I can figure out is that Memphis Wrestling will be replaced by “Legion of Super Heroes” and “The Batman”, which are two WB’s highest rated toons.
----"Guru" Dave Meltzer also has this same report on his web site every week @ www.wrestlingobserver.com