----“Picture Perfect” [Jon Michael/Christian Jacobs] beat Derrick King/Flash Flanagan in a good opener. Nothing wrong with this match as all four guys are real good. Heat was on Michael with hot tag to CJ. CJ ended it by pinning DK, which surprised the fans. [**] ----“Five Starr” Showcase with Dustin. Derrick King interrupted as him and Flash were leaving for Osceola, AR for MCW. Starr brought out LAW’s Kelly Warner. They worked an angle where Starr said he could beat anyone with a blindfold, so it was Warner vs Starr later with Starr blindfolded. Real good segment. Starr promised blood for later.
----Seth Knight with “Gentleman” Jim Casey [photo above] beat Chris O’Neal. Another good match with only about one mess up, but the fans had no idea. These guys have worked each other about a million times and did a good job. Seth jumped from the top rope and O’Neal caught him with a reverse atomic drop to come out of the heat into an enzuguri. Looked real good. Knight pinned him with help from Casey. [**1/2]
----Kelly Warner beat Dustin Starr by DQ, when Starr pulled off the blindfold. I groaned when I seen this match on the format, but they surprised me. Lots of comedy from Warner and Starr in the start with Warner hitting Starr, slapping his ass and even thumping his penis. Warner turned to the ref and was laughing when Starr took off the blindfold. He jumped Warner from behind and proceeded to beat the shit out of him. It looked good and stiff. Starr then set up a chair in the corner and sent Warner head first, which looked real good. Warner blades and is bleeding as Starr wipes his blood on his boot. Gunn makes the save and a match with Gunn vs Starr for the belt is made for later. Good angle and Warner did lots better job here than I expected. [*1/2]
----“The Golden Boy” Greg Anthony beat Stan Lee with the “Goldi-lock” for the submission and win. Another good match, but sort of strange in psychology. They were wrestling like it was going to be a long match going back and forth. Near the end TGB went for a leapfrog and Lee hit him in the nuts with his head. Lee went to working on TGB’s leg and TGB ended it with getting the “Goldi-lock” from that position. [**]
----LAW Tag Team Title Match: “The Posse” [Simon Reed/’Lil Chris] beat Gary Gram/Seth Knight with Jim Casey. Crowd was so hot for “Posse”!! Heat was on Chris with hot tag to Simon. The match ended with Chris pining Gram. Big pop from the crowd. [**1/2]
----LAW Hardcore Title Match: Psycho with Kayte vs Alex Krisis [came out as champion] ended in NO
CONTEST. WTF?? Horrible finish to a wild and crazy match. Both guys can GIVE and TAKE. None of the shots were pulled expect maybe some punches. Krisis tried to choke Kayte with a broom, which was funny. Psycho bled real good. Kendo stick, broom, trash can, ceiling fan blades, VCR and probably some stuff I forgot. They kept eliminating and beating up the refs, when finally a ref stopped the match. [***]
----LAW Title Match: Dustin Starr beat Tony Gunn to become the new LAW Champion. They started in the ring and then ended up brawling all over the place. Gunn squirted catsup down Starr’s mouth and Starr even bump falling inside a trash can. Gunn got tons of shine here taking most of the match leading up to the finish. Starr finally started getting some heat on Gunn after Gunn started selling his bad knee in a brace after a corner bump. Ref bump [which Starr hit the ref with a closeline that looked awesome!!] and Gunn put the YTO [Texas Cloverleaf] on Starr and Starr tapped out. Starr gets out and gets a chair that he uses on Gunn with ref still down. Starr covers Gunn and pulls the ref over for the pin. The crowd was shocked and it was total silent heat. Silent heat is the best!!! No one thought Gunn would lose the belt. Starr then beat the hell out of Gunn ripping off his legbrace and destorying his knee with a chair. [***1/2]
----I counted 50 in attendance with close to a $375 gate. Crowd has been down with each show that they do for the last few months. Lots of factors to figure in here, but the last shows have really not been as good as this one as a whole. Psycho also sold maybe a third of tickets he usually does due to fact that last time a “hardcore” match was promised and they didn’t have one. This event also had no “benefit” and sold pretty much on Gunn’s name alone....Some little 6 year old girl was yelling “Derrick sucks!!”..."Goldi-lock" submission looks like a legit hold and it looks like no way of getting out of it...My first look at Gram. He wrestles and looks very old school, which is not a bad thing. He has some real good punches and his facial expressions are good...Best match I have seen 'Lil Chris work...Psycho got the biggest pop of the night – just slight bigger than Gunn and “Posse”. His match would have been match of the night, if it wasn’t for the finish. I didn’t even know LAW had a Hardcore Title and I was told that they are using the TLCW Hardcore Title. It was a good looking belt though...A real good main event and the crowd loved it. The finish was a big surprise. I am being told that Gunn is moving to Fayetteville, AR, so that is the reason for the change...The award nominees were read out loud to everyone in the dressing room. Talk of a “Loser Leave Town” match with Starr vs O’Neal in TLCW, but I am not sure if that was axed or not...The show lasted a little longer than usual and my kids were actually saying, “how many more matches??”, which they never do. By just crowd reaction, if I was Warner/O’Dell I would concentrate on doing solid programs with “Posse” vs good heel tag team, Psycho vs Krisis and Starr vs good babyface. I would work it toward Starr vs Psycho, because fans in Rector would love that match...Good solid work from everyone. I had a good time and treated first class by everyone.