----“Christmas Chaos” opens with Corey Maclin introducing the show. “Battle of the Brutes” is announced, which is a triple threat tag team match and that make no sense?? “Too Cool 2” [Flex/Tim Grind] come out doing a Christmas rap. “Insane Clowns” [Bobo/Giggles] with Rashard are interview and finally Flash Flanagan/Reggie B Fine come out. ----Flanagan/Fine vs “Clowns” vs “Too Cool 2” ended in No Contest when the ref Bill Rush just walked out. There were only two people in the ring
at the same time, but I thought it was a triple threat?? This was a clusterfuck!! The moves didn’t look bad, but nothing made sense. All of them got in the ring and finally Rush just walked out.
----They air the Brickhouse Brown jumping Kevin White angle – just him hitting White, not the whole angle. White/Dustin Starr interview was next. Starr makes a comment about how they might have new tag champs tonight having to wrestle R&R. He was trying to put over R&R, but then Maclin says, “Well, you don’t have much confidence.” Maclin is so bad!! Southern Tag Team Title Match: “Rock n Roll Express” [Ricky Morton/Robert Gibson] vs Starr/White was No Contest. R&R were working almost heel. White/Starr took the beating most of the bout. No hot tag. White grabbed Morton [since R&R had been heeling] and Starr went to give him a punch, but he ducked and White went down. R&R go to Starr and Brick hits White with a chain. Morton refuses to pin White because he hears the fans say something about a chain. White goes after Brick behind the curtain and Starr breaks them up. [pic above] Match was nothing. It would have been much better if they would have just let them work.
----Derrick King interview and he brings out a cane out [pic below] for Johnny Dotson for Christmas.
King beat Drew Donovan. Total squash with Donovan only get a few spots. King pinned him after a superkick. Dotson jumps King after the match. King then uses the cane on Dotson leg and Dotson sold it real good. Maclin did a good job here selling Dotson’s recent injury as he just came back from a legit broken leg. Good angle and interview.
----Koko Ware walks out as Dotson is still in the ring and I thought they were going to try to interview Dotson. But, just bring Ware out to kill the heat!!! Ware brings Maclin a DVD player as a gift, but Maclin knocks it out of his hand and it breaks. Ware goes crazy and knocks some Christmas flowers [that were on the announcer’s desk] out on floor. This was horrible!!
----Jerry Lawler interview. He wishes everyone a Happy Holidays and thanks everyone for asking about his mom this year!!
----Fire/Flame/”Hillbilly Assassin” Jethro with Nate the Rate beat Bill Dundee/Chris O’Neal/Tatt2 in the only good match on the show. Fast paced and good bumping from everyone. Heat on Tatt2 after he got dumped over the top rope by Fire [pic to the left]. O’Neal got the hot tag. Nate tried to trip him and he turned around – when he turned back around Jethro hit him with a big boot and the pin.
----Jerry Lawler and Tom Nunnery finish the show singing “Jingle Bells” with the crowd. Nate interrupts it and Nunnery nails Nate with the guitar. The show ends with the crowd singing “Jingle Bells”.
----“Battle of the Brutes”????....Maclin made a comment that if you are Southern Tag Team
champions you get a World tag team shot?? What World tag team titles??...It makes you wonder how you can have talent like R&R and Flanagan in the first two matches and they still screw up the booking. Only on Memphis Wrestling!!!...Crowd was almost half filled with this being the second hour of tapings. They need to get people to stay!!... Maclin called a “high knee” a “knee lift”…I wonder if they just sit in the back and see how they could kill any heat that they have?? No one cares about Ware/Maclin – it drew only 300 fans last time!!! They are building Dotson, but then they kill it…Tell me why you get Jethro to wear a different gimmick, but still call him “Hillbilly Assassin”??...This was probably one of the worst shows they have aired all year long. Maclin was horrible – worse than usual and even though they are overflowing with talent, they don’t know what to do with it…Next week is a “Best of 2006” show from Maclin’s house.
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