----I am almost there!! I corrected the mistake on the TLCW post, so if you read the other post you will no idea what I am talking about. LOL I still do not have access to my web site pages. So, I will not be posting RassleChronicle until later this week. Please also give me a bit to get some software that I used to put the matches on www.youtube.com. That software died in the crash.
----Also, it will be after the first of the year before I get ratings for the last two Memphis shows of 2006. My source is out of the office until 1.02.07, so we will have a double dose of ratings that week.
----On WWE.com, there is an audio file of Cryme Tyme giving a local news reporter some holiday shopping tips. The reporter asked Cryme Tyme who was on their list, and they named a bunch of people. They specifically named Jerry Lawler. Cryme Tyme, in a joking manner, said that they had to give him his laptop back because it had a lot of kiddie porn on it, and thus they didn't want it. I tired to pull this up on the site, but could not get it to work. I am all about jokes, but Kiddle porn?? Not a joke. I know it is only because Lawler likes young girls, but give me a break. Credit: http://pwresource.com/
----I am not sure if this is pure bs or if he would consider it, but I have been told that Dustin
Starr has had “feelers” about coming to NBW. I do know that Alan Steele [who has been working there] and Starr are real good friends. Steele was actually his best man at his wedding. Someone had contacted Steele about Starr coming in, but then Steele said that Starr would need a certain amount of money and nothing else was said. A few other guys in this area have also requested money amounts and turned down. I think for NBW to succeed they have to just treat themselves as a business and invest some money in getting more talent. At that point [not right off], it will pay off in the long run. DCWF was drawing more than them and even though TLCW is doing so well, they are 20 minutes away. Would Starr jump?? Yes..for the right amount of guarantee, any and all would jump.
----For those that wondered about the poem on Christmas Eve, Yes, I bastardized the poem. Hope you enjoyed it!! I had a fun time writing it and from what I heard, all the boys got a kick out of it. For those dickheads that pointed it out – I know the last line does not rhyme!!! It was not suppose to dumbasses!!! LOL