----Porkchop Express #1 & #2 beat Blakster/Masked Menace; Porkchop #3 beat Brian Pillow; Arkansas Title Match: Loose Cannon with Rottn’ Randy beat Adrian Banks; Arnez with Bate Masterson beat Big Buster Johnson and in the Main Event: Deadly Dale/Idol Bane with Bate beat Cody Daniels/Big Indian
----Crowd was in the 80 range with a $560 gate…They collected 70 toys for their toy drive…Pillow is the son of area wrestler Midnight Cowboy who worked MCW for years…Adrian Banks is the son of late Steve “Snakeman” Banks…Porkchop Express were Hambone Express under hoods. They did an angle where the Hambones got fired…Nice turnout for Christmas weekend and good job with the toys guys!!