Sunday, December 31, 2006
RassleResults: NBW Dyersburg, TN 12.30.06 KILO WINS THE TITLE!!!

RassleResults: MEW Batesville, AR 12.30.06

----15 Man Battle Royal – Winner get MEW Title Match – Gravedigger threw The Lineman over to win; “Crazy” Luke Graham Jr/Scotty Graham beat Rozzi/Idol Bane; MEW Tag Team Title Match: “The Playboy Club” [Ray Ray/Tommy Wayne] beat and retain the belts over “Righteous Punishment” [Byg Daddy and Jack”Lockdown” Johnson]; MAW Cruiserweight Title Match: Kid Krazzy beat “Hot Rod” John Ellison with Johnny Harper to retain the belt and in the Main Event: MAW Title Match: Casino Kid beat Matt Boyce [pic above ] to retain the belt.
RassleResults: TLCW Ripley, TN 12.30.06 - Loser Leave Town Signed!!!

----Gate was in the $800 range with 160 people in attendance...“The Golden Boy” Greg Anthony had put a portrait up of himself earlier in the night to be revealed for his “Golden Circle”, but Simon Reed had painted a big P on it. When TGB came out for his “Circle”, the “Posse” were outside the ring laughing at him. He later used a skateboard to help Jones beat Reed. I think TGB might be watching Eddie Gilbert tapes...They did a contract signing with Dustin Starr/Chris O’Neal. Starr did not want to agree to a barbwire match, but finally O’Neal presented an “incentive” as if he lost he would leave town. Starr signed and agreed with O’Neal pointing out after the signing – if you lose you leave town also. Crowd was real hot for this. There is a lot going on backstage with what the result of this match will be?? I will have an analysis of it later this week...Brian Steele with Rick The Stick did an angle as he came out as the singing cowboy. Steele is a good singer for shoot. Buckwheat came out and told him that they sucked...BO Squad were putting Alfonzo/Knight on stretchers when “Picture Perfect” made the save...No finish on the main with everyone jumping in...Matches for 1.06.07 – the first big show of the new year - Triple Threat for Jr Title – Tatt2 vs Randy vs DK; TGB vs Simon Reed; Ambulance Match: PP vs BO; TLCW Title Match: Lee vs Flash; Hardcore Match with Cruz vs Krisis vs Tucker vs Shannon Lee and Main Event: “Barbwire Loser Leave Town” Match: Starr vs O’Neal...The barbwire will be outside the ropes and is designed to keep people in and keep Starr/O’Neal in the ring. It is not the typical no ropes barbwire that many of the promotions use these days...I will be at the show and it should be released on DVD on 1.24.07.
Saturday, December 30, 2006
Memphis Wrestling TV Report 12.30.06
----The show comes back with Corey in his kitchen eating ham – I am not kidding. Jimmy Hart is on the phone pushing the Hulk Hogan/Jerry Lawler match. Corey says he hopes the match will take place in Memphis. Hart then starts talking about Andy Kaufman as Corey eats. Hart then says, “Corey use to make me sleep on his couch, instead of getting a hotel room, when he brought me into town.” And Corey said, “kayfabe” and laughed. I could not make this stuff up. Andy Kaufman clip of him being live at TV studio, which was so good, but how was this “Best of 2006”???
----Jerry Lawler interview from his house. Lawler advertises his “King Lawler” fireworks for New Year parties. Lawler talks about Hogan. Lawler says that everyone thinks this match is “on”. But, Lawler says that they are negotiating, but it is not a done deal. Lawler says they are going to work very hard to make this match happen.
----Maclin is playing pool with his kids at his house. Lawler vs Hogan airs next. Lawler came out on a horse to the ring. How is this part of 2006?? Jim Cornette was ringside taking pictures. Brooke and Hulk Hogan interview from a few weeks ago airs again and promo from TV news. The TV interview of Lawler talking about the Hogans airs next.
----Maclin vs Koko Ware feud clips air next. Included was the angle of Koko putting chocolate syrup and flour on him. Maclin’s interview was the best thing I think he has ever done. This show drew only 300 people!!!! Signing of contracts for Cage Match of Corey vs Koko.
----The last 10 minutes of the TV show was just a bunch of real old clips featuring a bunch of the old guys like Jackie Fargo, Tojo Yamamoto, Jerry Jarrett, Lawler, Dundee, Monroe and more.
RassleNotes: I think they are wishful thinking on Hogan vs Lawler. If this match does not happen, Maclin will look worse than ever...The Kaufman segment was better than anything they have done on TV in all of 2006...The only stuff that aired from 2006 was the Maclin vs Ware feud and the Hogan interviews. This was a horrible show. Why would they promote something as “best of 2006” and do a show like this??...Maclin did not give a price, but you may get a copy of “Best of 2006” and I am not sure it is this show or not?? But, you can call 901-794-7771 to order your copy!!!
----This Memphis Wrestling TV report is also posted every week on http://www.wrestlingobserver.com/, http://www.pwinsider.com/, http://www.declarationofindependents.net/ , Yahoo Mempho Group, http://www.pwtorch.com/, http://www.world-wrestling.net/,
and Pro Wrestling Resource.
"Rant of The Week" with "Phantom Lord" Joseph Davis
Greetings conversationalists all across the fruited plain it is I your personal Harvester of Sorrow Phantom Lord and this is your year end edition of The Rant of the Week. As always I am coming to you from the good end of Long Island otherwise known as Brooklyn, New York and Christmas has passed and New Years is upon us and I hardly even notice. I mean really what is the deal with this weather. We should be getting snow but all we’re getting is rain. Now I don’t mind the rain. I’m actually happy when it rains (I love that song even to this day). But this is winter damn it. If this global warming stuff isn’t for real then I want my snow. Colorado is getting all my snow. I should have snow drifts 5 feet high in my front yard right now. Ah well I guess it is for the best. People around here drive bad enough as it is with rain. It’s not pleasant when these people have to cope with ice covered roads.
Ah well as I said the year of 2006 is coming to an end and honestly I’m glad the year is over. When it comes to a year for pro wrestling I can’t remember the last time a year made me go OH WHAT THE FUCK over and over and over. As a fan it’s annoying when you see something good turn into something bad, but when you see it over and over it makes you question why you even watch to begin with. But as I say with the good there is the bad. Besides there isn’t much else on television anyway so the WWE and TNA specifically get a free pass when it comes to that. God forbid if they had REAL competition.
For me personally as a fan there were two people that stood out the most. Rey Mysterio and Sting.
The year started off simple enough for Rey. We were still mourning the death of Eddie Guerrero so we all got behind Rey Mysterio as he put aside that whole Dominick thing from the summer of 05 and dedicated every match and moment to Eddie. His big moment came when he was in the Royal Rumble. To further build up the drama aspect Rey drew number 2 and started off the Rumble with Triple H who drew number 1. I didn’t watch the Rumble when it aired but Smackdown was kind enough to show it in clipped form on Friday night and I have to say the prospect of a Triple H/Rey Mysterio match is an interesting one. One interesting enough that I would be inclined to order a show just to see it. We say what we want about Triple H, but the guy honestly doesn’t get nearly enough credit as a wrestler. Yeah sure there’s all the political stuff with him being the son Vince never had, but still the guy bumps his ass off no matter who he’s facing. It must be the inner mark in me who enjoys seeing him take head scissor take downs. Of course if the match ever happened we all know HOW it would go down but still it’s an interesting one never the less and the WWE doesn’t have to many of those these days.
But back to the Rumble as Rey and Triple H ended up going the distance and it and it came down to them and Randy Orton. Triple H ends up getting eliminated by Rey and then Orton ends up getting eliminated by Rey and Rey wins the Rumble. Rey is going to Wrestlemania. Of course lead it up to the WWE to do the old “loser of the rumble demands match where the winner gets the shot at Wrestlemania” angle with Orton. I personally never understood why they do this since it defeats having the Rumble in the first place. The match for Wrestlemania was going to be Rey vs. Kurt Angle for the World Title (Shawn Michaels was supposed to go to Smackdown but he was to good for that so they gave the spot to Angle). Orton takes on Rey and he wins by holding the ropes and Rey is robbed of his dream. After that we had the first of many “well what the hell did they have the ppv moments for” moments as on the next Smackdown Teddy Long declared that since Orton won he couldn’t take him out of the match. But since he cheated he’s throwing Rey in there so Rey gets his Wrestlemania match anyway.
They could have spent the whole month building Angle and Rey but as we know God forbid those lowly Smackdown guys outshine anyone on RAW. So the match was set as Angle vs. Orton vs. Mysterio for the World Title. I didn’t watch Wrestlemania this year because honestly there wasn’t one match on the card that said I had to order this show. From what I remember everyone was disappointed with this match since one it wasn’t the main event and two it was under ten minutes. The whole point of winning the Rumble was to be in the main event but the real main event was set aside for John Cena doing a piss poor impersonation of a Chicago Gangster (complete with C.M. Punk as a guy number 2). Triple H’s Conan intro amused me when I saw it on Youtube. The look on his face really said it all. You figure the Princess must have thought up that one.
But as for Rey’s match, it was good for what it was worth and Rey ended up beating Orton to become to World Heavyweight Champion and from there it was ALL down hill for him. For starters they couldn’t call him a Heavyweight so he was just the World Champion. Then the WWE saw fit to job him out to every monster they could every single week just to rub it in that a cruiserweight can not beat someone like Khali or Mizark Henry. It always amazes me how the WWE takes something good and manages to ruin it for their own selfish reasons. Rey winning the title was a good inspirational story as he did it for Eddie. Rey as an inspirational champion sure as hell would have been a better gimmick then he was lucky to win it and he’s lucky to continue to hang on to it.
Rey would eventually lose the title to King Booker thanks to Chavo Guerrero and that would lead to an angle that some say is tasteless even by WWE standards. The jist of the angle is Chavo says Rey stole Eddie’s legacy and they got Vickie involved with it. At first she didn’t want them fighting but in the end she turned on Rey to side with Chavo to become his “business manager”. Now some wonder why Vickie is even doing this. Well the obvious answer is money. See the WWE claims all the royalties of all that Eddie memorial merchandise was going to her but as in the case with everyone else the percentage is so small its no where near what is needed to cover her bills since Eddie’s death. She was going to lose the house they just bought and even the WWE isn’t that heartless so they gave her this gig of being Chavo’s manager on television. Of course now the big issue some people have is they seem to have dolled her up making her look all glam.
See now that makes me laugh. Would people prefer she be on television looking frumpy? I personally believe she looks great and as long as she’s getting a really good pay check to do this so she and her kids don’t lose their home in the end it balances out. But I just wish they wouldn’t have her physically get involved in the matches. They have an angle with her wearing a neck brace because she got pushed off the ring apron by accident by Chris Benoit. It honestly reminds me of what Cyndi Lauper said of her time in the WWF back during the whole rock & wrestling angle.
She said to the effect that the reason she left when she did is because they started treating her like one of the boys and she sure as hell wasn’t one of the boys. Now I know that’s not the case with Vickie when she’s at shows, but still the widow of Eddie Guerrero shouldn’t have to be bumping for anyone. Of course things could be worse I suppose. Before Rey lost his I Quit match they could have had his wife Angie get involved and had some sort of diva’s match with Vickie and her.
As I said Rey lost his I Quit match and now he’s on the shelf because he needed some major knee surgery. According to a post Bob Barnett made on DVDVR he says Rey needs a new knee all together. With Rey’s contract up around the same time he’s supposed to come back the Observer said Kurt Angle will make a pitch to him to come to TNA. It would be a lot easier on him schedule wise plus he could go back to wrestle in Mexico more often. Personally I wouldn’t mind seeing him in TNA. Sure TNA is a place for WWE cast off’s but if it means Rey won’t be used like a human lawn dart for the hosses then it’s worth it in the end. Plus he can go back to being Rey Mysterio Jr like he’s always been.
So for the WWE that was the most memorable thing for me in 2006. Watching Rey Mysterio’s career go up and down like a roller coaster was amusing especially considering how much more money they could make off him then John Cena. But hey Cena’s got that whole wanna be jarhead thing going on right now. Why ruin that.
Moving along we go to the polar opposite of the WWE in TNA. TNA did one thing right this year and that was bring back Sting. Well I should say they almost did one thing right because after he came back in a tag match with Christian Cage against Jeff Jarrett and Monty Brown he “retired” and promptly took two months off. While he was “retired”, Jarrett sent a young kid named Alex Shelley out to California to stalk Sting to get him back to TNA so he could retire him the Jarrett way. During all of this we got what would become TNA’s best thing ever in Paparazzi Productions. Alex Shelley shined as the video voyeur of Pro wrestling. Sting finally got fed up with him and he walked over to him and grabbed him and told him to tell Jarrett that Sting wasn’t coming back...Steve Borden was. At the Against All Odds PPV Steve Borden did indeed show up and he cleaned house only for Scott Steiner to show up and attack Sting.
TNA managed to turn all of this into a pretty hot angle it led to a War Games match of sorts at TNA Lockdown with Sting’s team taking on Team Jarrett. Sting’s team got the win and all through this we were left with one big problem. Jeff Jarrett was still the top heel in the company. He mercifully lost the NWA Title to Christian the month before but where Christian should have been the focus of the company, all the heat was on Sting and Jarrett as it was a feud no one wanted to see in WCW in 2000 much less TNA in 2006. But hey that didn’t stop them from continuing the feud because when you’re the head booker of a company who better to put over then yourself.
Jarrett eventually won back the world title in the King of the Mountain match prompting a riot from the fans in Orlando as he won in screw job fashion. Sting set his sites on Jarrett to take the belt off him. They had a match at the next ppv and Jarrett won when Christian turned heel on Sting. Jarrett continued to hold the title and proved every single critic of TNA right. They came up with an idea for one last rematch but Sting wanted it at the Bound For Glory PPV in Detroit. It was Career vs. Title. It should have been career vs. career but we can’t be that lucky. We all knew Sting would win and he did. Personally as a fan I marked out for Sting winning because Sting as NWA Champion made things feel right again. Of course Kurt Angle also being in TNA also didn’t hurt matters especially since a Sting/Angle match is down the road.
But this is TNA so of course they have to screw it up some how and screw it up they did with Sting’s first title defense against Abyss. He lost the title by getting DQ’ed. Sting to his credit wanted to put Abyss over clean since you know that would make him look better but TNA and Rev. Russo (since he’s back) said “Nope we’ll do a screwy DQ finish”. Sting is now involved in an angle with Abyss and Christian Cage where Christian is teasing revealing some secret involving Abyss in prison or a mental hospital and Sting is trying to lure Abyss away from Rev. Mitchell. No word if he’s doing it for his own good or if he’s trying to bring him over to Team Jesus.
That’s where Sting stands right now and he is with out a doubt the best thing about TNA this year. He was the first real big star they got and along with Christian Cage and TNA guys like Samoa Joe, Abyss, A.J. Styles, Christopher Daniels, and others they have a real solid card. But TNA manages to always screw it up. Samoa Joe should have been NWA Champion in the summer but they continue to keep the belt off him and they hot shotted him into a feud with Kurt Angle and Kurt beat him to end the streak. They could have hyped a match between them for months but they chose three weeks and it sums up everything I’ve said about TNA.
But despite all that I still have hope for them (despite what Pee Wee Moore told me). As a fan all I know is I’m glad Sting is back. I’ll take Sting in squash matches over any number of WWE guys any day of the week.
So that was 2006 in a nut shell. Oh sure I could have talked about how John Cena went over EVERYONE and how Vince McMahon continues to get dumber with each passing week. But I chose to go with what kept me watching and that was Rey and Sting. I could have wrote about Kurt Angle but I figure I’ll save that for next year assuming he doesn’t die in one of the shoot matches he says he’s going to have. I could have wrote about ECW and how it keeps dying a slow death each week but why bother. I don’t even watch it anymore so Fuck ECW and Vince’s vision of it.
Speaking of his vision of ECW I figure I’ll close off 2006 with some random news stories that have amused me greatly and I hope they do the same for you.
As previously reported, Sabu’s backstage behavior may be leading him out the door of the company, and Sandman may be following him. There has been some locker room speculation that Sandman’s future in WWE is not looking bright. Apparently on the European tour in November, his loud behavior got under Undertaker’s skin. Taker said he could put up with Big Show’s behavior since he’s used to him, but Sandman was just rubbing him the wrong way. The feeling is that Sandman needs to change his behavior, or else he might not last.
Credit to The Wrestling Observer
First off when did The Undertaker become such a whiney little bitch? Yeah I called him a whiney little bitch. The Sandman is The Sandman. What you see is what you get. But I guess since The Sandman isn’t one of the WWE boys he has to watch his behavior? I believe the expression one shouldn’t throw stones in glass houses applies to The Undertaker. Mr. I only work when I have to. Mr. I get to phone it in with every feud I’m in now. You get where I’m getting at? The Sandman could actually make some money for the WWE if they actually used him. But I just find it funny that The Undertaker doesn’t like his behavior. But like I said I guess it helps to be one of the boys in the back. If your not then your rubbing people the wrong way. If the WWE were smart they’d book a Undertaker/Sandman feud.
Now there’s a feud I’d love to see. Have The Sandman piss him off to the point where The American Badass comes back and let them have some good old fashion brawls. It would be better then another casket match or something.
Moving along we come to Princess Stephanie and her never ending quest to give the IWC something to write about.
Stephanie sees Daniel Rodmier as "the new Diesel", and wants to put him with Edge and Orton. There are already House Shows being advertised with DX .VS. Edge, Orton, & Rodmier in 2 .VS. 3, Handicap Matches.
Credit to The Wrestling Observer
Stephanie, you ignorant slut. There is only one Diesel and that’s The God of the X Division Kevin Nash. This Rodmier fellow is one of the Tough Enough rejects.
That’s Daniel Rodmier and as you can see he fits the WWE mold of bland looking college jock complete with gay tribal tattoos. According to reports, most in the WWE feel if he debuted in 2008 that would be pushing it. But since Princess Stephanie apparently has a thing for him (why else would she say he is the next big thing) he’s going to get a huge main event spot as the bodyguard of Rated RKO (considering how they take people out I didn’t know they needed one). By all accounts he can’t work a match to save his life and judging by the goofy look of his face I’d imagine he doesn’t have an imposing look much like Diesel did. But hey this isn’t the first time she was wrong and it won’t be the last and it’s always amusing to watch.
Finally we have this tibit for ECW as if things weren’t bad enough.
Its been confirmed that Gene Snitsky will be moving to ECW. Things are going to be different for him because he is in line for a push. The idea is to make him something akin to the "ECW heel Kane." Furthermore, his look is also going to change. He is going to shave his long beard and change his hairstyle - he'll likely shave his head bald.
Credit to The Wrestling Observer
Aren’t there enough bald generic guys in wrestling? Arn Anderson and Fit Finlay are the ones who want Gene moved to ECW. Now as much as I love and respect Double A and Finlay you have to wonder what the hell they are thinking. Let us not forget that Gene Snitsky got heel heat for a miscarriage. After the novelty of being a baby killer wore off he was the big weird guy who had a foot fetish and well no one really wants to think about that. So he’s been in limbo ever since June when Goldust got canned (it’s a shame since they were having some good skits). Now they want to send him to ECW along with Chris Masters. ECW isn’t becoming a third brand. It’s becoming a wasteland for the people creative has nothing for. Add to that they will send most of OVW there it’s going to be a bad year for ECW next year. Now if Gene gets over then more power to him. But I don’t see how making him shave his head and beard will do that. As it is he looks like a deranged guy with his current look (well minus all the back acne from the umm roids).
So yeah I have to wonder what Arn and Finlay are thinking. Then again it is the WWE. Someone said “hey lets have that fat fuck writer go out in a g-string and dance” and they took them seriously and as my IWC Coast 2 Coast co host Ed a.k.a Dumass says “He’s living the rib”.
Well that’s about it for 2006. I would hope 2007 is better but I kind of doubt it will be. John Cena will still be WWE Champion, Bobby Lashley is ECW World Champion, and Jeff Jarrett no doubt will be NWA Champion again.
On the plus side I would guess things can’t get much worse but we know they always do. I await the Lashley/Test Wrestlemania match. That will put some butts in the seats.
On that not I am done. Hopefully I will be back sooner rather then later but like I’ve said you know how this writing stuff is getting.
On a happy note make sure to listen to http://www.endradio.com New Years Eve from 6 PM to 6 AM Eastern as we’ll be doing our New Years Celebration. If you got a party going simply put the computer on the site and crank the speakers up. We’ll handle the music while you ring in the new year.
Next weekend look forward to the LIVE return of IWC Coast 2 Coast with myself and Dumass. I’ll announce a firm time when we’ll be on so check out my live journal or WrestlingUnited.com for more info.
Well I’m done with the shills. Have a good new year and try not to get to shitfaced and until next time remember someone has to give you this information and it DAMN well has got to be me.
You can click here to send me any and all feedback at phantomlordnyc@yahoo.com or leave me some feedback in my Live Journal
And now the Plugs
IWC Coast 2 Coast is back with Ed & JD on WrestlingUnited.com. Also coming soon Wrestling United’s exclusive interview with former W.O.W. star Riot
Click here to visit EndRadio.com for live free streaming music 24 hours a day seven days a week 365 days a year.
If your bored bug me on that Myspace thing at Myspace.com/phantomlordlop
For all my opinions outside the world of professional wrestling, Visit my Blog at PhantomLordNYC.Blogspot.com
RassleBits: Web site, NBW tonight, Memphis TV and Nominations
----Just wanted to let everyone know that the web site is now finally accessible to me and I have reloaded all the software. I should be adding stuff to RassleTube soon and updating a few other things.
Arena Report: LAW Rector, AR 12.29.06

----“The Golden Boy” Greg Anthony beat Stan Lee with the “Goldi-lock” for the submission and win. Another good match, but sort of strange in psychology. They were wrestling like it was going to be a long match going back and forth. Near the end TGB went for a leapfrog and Lee hit him in the nuts with his head. Lee went to working on TGB’s leg and TGB ended it with getting the “Goldi-lock” from that position. [**]
CONTEST. WTF?? Horrible finish to a wild and crazy match. Both guys can GIVE and TAKE. None of the shots were pulled expect maybe some punches. Krisis tried to choke Kayte with a broom, which was funny. Psycho bled real good. Kendo stick, broom, trash can, ceiling fan blades, VCR and probably some stuff I forgot. They kept eliminating and beating up the refs, when finally a ref stopped the match. [***]
Friday, December 29, 2006
RassleRiot Awards Race 2006
*”Axeman” Randall Lewis
*Gene Jackson
*Loose Cannon
*Mid-Southern Wrestling Message Board
*Tavian Hart
*Joey Lynn
*Bill Rush
*’Lil Chris
*Matt Boyce
*Will Blanton
*All Pro Productions
*Michael Ward
*Scotty C
*Michael “T-Bryd” Thomas
*”Insane Clowns”
*”The Posse”
*Anita Paige
*Hollywood Jimmy
*Rashard Devon
*Alan Steele
*Derrick King
*Dustin Starr
Tag Team of The Year
*”Cruzin 4 Pain”
*”Family of Pain”
*”Picture Perfect”
*”Cruzin 4 Pain”
*”Family of Pain”
*”Too Cool 2”
*Austin Lane
*Flash Flanagan
*Chris Rocker
*Danny B
*Derrick King
*Flash Flanagan
----Voting will be begin on January 1st until January 10th at Midnight. The winners will be announced on Sunday, January 14th, 2007 with a special 2006 Yearbook that will be printable for the fans and promoters.
Thursday, December 28, 2006
----These results come in a little late, so I am just put him here in the tidbits: 12.23.06 MEW Batesville, AR: Malibu Matt beat Ray Ray; HillyBilly Tiny beat “Hot Rod” John Ellison; Velvet Thunder beat Tommy Wayne; GraveDigger beat Kid Krazzy and in the Main Event: Six Man Elimination Tag for M.E.W. Heavy weight Title: Big Daddy Moose/Jack Lockdown Johnson/The Lineman vs Gerry “Chubby” Graham/Rozzi/Casino Kid - Casino Kid wins and remains the MEW champion.
----The latest word I am getting on the Dustin Starr situation is that Starr has talked with Jeff McDonald and booker Sir MO. Although Starr is not telling anyone what he is doing, I expect him to stay at TLCW. It seems that McDonald/Mo are not on the same page when it comes to the money. I do know that the money that Starr was offered was not in the ballpark of Starr jumping. Why would a guy jump for the same amount?? Starr is working with the top talent in this area, so why would he leave to work less talent?? And for those that don’t think this sort of thing is not news, then take note: most hits in the last 7 days – yesterday for the Dustin Starr story.
Shows for the Weekend 12.29.06 - 12.30.06
ATTENTION: If you are a promoter, please send me the address of the wrestling building. I will then be able to Google map your show, just like I have done to a few of the shows below. I have fans that write this site wanting to know directions to different buildings every week. If I get a street address, then may apply it to Google Maps.
Shows for the Weekend
----Friday night in Rector, AR with LAW “Picture Perfect”, Dustin Starr, Tony Gunn, Derrick King, Flash Flanagan, “The Posse” and more.
----Friday night in Osceola, AR for MCW includes The Hambones, Loose Cannon, Chris Hollywood, Big Daddy LaFonce, Derrick King, Flash Flanagan, and more.
----Friday night in
----Saturday night New Blood Wrestling @ Country Nights 1901 Saint John Ave - Bell time 8:00 PM in Dyersburg, TN – “New Blood Eve” this weekend!! Tank vs Kilo for the NBW Title; 4-Corners NBW “Risk Taker” Title Match: Jeremy Moore vs Gaylon Ray vs Team X, Grudge Match: Gunner Thompson vs AW James; $1,000 vs BMG’s Hat & Coat – Big Money Gripp vs Moore, Baron Malkavain, The Kid, AC Havoc. Tim Edwards and more.
----Saturday night in Memphis, TN for TCW’s “Final Score” with Chris Lexx vs Crime vs Reno Diamond, Tatt2 vs Gabriel Stalker vs Jason Skyler,Carnage Antwane vs Showstopper, Caut!on vs Marcus O’Neil and more. This show is a benefit for St. Jude Research Hosptial and it will be at the Midtown Church of Christ locat at 1930 Union Avenue, which is located right next to the old Channel 5 studios.
----Saturday night in Jumpertown, MS for JWS with Chris Styles, Little Stevie Davis, Homeless Joe, Mario, Devon Raynes, Dalton Storm, Kage, Cyrus, Chaz, and more.
----Saturday night in
----Saturday night in Ripley, TN with TLCW 207 Washington Street – Christian Jacobs, Derrick King, Stan Lee, Flash Flanagan, Chris O’Neal, Jon Michael , Dustin Starr, Oz, Bishop, Seth Knight, TGB and more.
---- Saturday night
RassleReview: A Look @ XOW

----I got the chance to watch some XOW the other night. It was a 60 minute DVD recorded for their TV show that was taped on 12.16.06. Let me first say, and if you read this site, you should know it by now, I love Southern indy wrestling. It is my favorite style surpassing the Japanese stuff, ROH and any other brand. XOW runs every Saturday night in New Albany, MS with booker/owner Brody Hawk and his cast of characters. I want to first take a quick look at the matches I watched, then a few final notes.
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
Five Starr going to New Blood???

Tuesday, December 26, 2006
RassleBits: Almost There, Ratings, Lawler & porn, Dustin Starr jumping?? and Poem comments
----I am almost there!! I corrected the mistake on the TLCW post, so if you read the other post you will no idea what I am talking about. LOL I still do not have access to my web site pages. So, I will not be posting RassleChronicle until later this week. Please also give me a bit to get some software that I used to put the matches on www.youtube.com. That software died in the crash.
Starr has had “feelers” about coming to NBW. I do know that Alan Steele [who has been working there] and Starr are real good friends. Steele was actually his best man at his wedding. Someone had contacted Steele about Starr coming in, but then Steele said that Starr would need a certain amount of money and nothing else was said. A few other guys in this area have also requested money amounts and turned down. I think for NBW to succeed they have to just treat themselves as a business and invest some money in getting more talent. At that point [not right off], it will pay off in the long run. DCWF was drawing more than them and even though TLCW is doing so well, they are 20 minutes away. Would Starr jump?? Yes..for the right amount of guarantee, any and all would jump.
Still Not Completely Up & Running!!
RassleResults: TLCW Ripley, TN 12.23.06
----Tim Alfonzo over Crime; Seth Knight by DQ over Jawbreaker; "The Golden Boy" Greg Anthony beat Tatt2; Motley Cruz/Shannon Lee beat Alex Krisis/Tucker; "The Posse" ['Lil Chris/Simon Reed] over by DQ "Blackout Squad" [Bishop/Oz] and in the Main Event: Tim Grind/Derrick King/Stan Lee beat Flash Flanagan/"Rockin" Randy/Dustin Starr.
----Close to $700 gate with 140 in the crowd...Lots of angles building for the January 6, 2007 show..."Rockin" Randy hit Tatt2 knocking him out and TGB put the "Goldi-Lock" on him and Tatt2 passed out....Cruz/Krisis are doing an angle where they are trying to prove who is the most hardcore. Krisis and Cruz were agruing and Lee pinned Alex..."Five Star Showcase" with Starr/Flash/Randy had a video sent in from Chris O'Neal. Then did an angle last Thursday at the Karoke contest where O'Neal was left in a pool of blood. After showing that on the big screen, O'Neal did an interview on the big screen challenging Starr to a "Barbwire" match on the 6th..."Picture Perfect" [Christian Jacobs/Jon Michael] did a stretcher job for BO Squad. Both guys juicing bad. This is to build for the Stretcher Match on the 6th between both teams...Lots of blood in the main event also with everyone taking kendo stick shots...They are building for Lee vs Flash for the belt and I look for a title change...I was told that Seth Knight apologized for spitting on Starr and they were seen shaking hands. So, I hope that is cleared up for the both of them.
Monday, December 25, 2006
Technical Difficulties
Sunday, December 24, 2006
RassleResults: Arkansas Championship Wrestling Paragould, AR 12.23.06
----Porkchop Express #1 & #2 beat Blakster/Masked Menace; Porkchop #3 beat Brian Pillow; Arkansas Title Match: Loose Cannon with Rottn’ Randy beat Adrian Banks; Arnez with Bate Masterson beat Big Buster Johnson and in the Main Event: Deadly Dale/Idol Bane with Bate beat Cody Daniels/Big Indian
Twas The Night Before Christmas -- TLCW style!!
Twas the night before Christmas, low was the house
Someone else turned on Kevin White, it was Brickhouse
In the dressing room, the TLCW workers were drinking beer
Hoping that Bill Dundee would not be there
The fans were marking out of their heads
Waiting to hear what Dustin Starr said
Out from the back came Chris O’Neal
Who swore he didn’t talk to BT; for real
In the parking lot, arose such a clatter
It was Drew Donavan and he does not matter
Standing by the window, it was Flash
Thinking I wished I was in
As I looked outside again at the new-fallen snow
I don’t put anybody over, you know??
When, what to my wondering eyes should appear
But a black man with blond hair holding a beer
He was so lively and loud
His chest pushed out and he said, “TCLW makes me proud.”
Now Picture Perfect!! Now Tatt2!! Now Rockin Randy Now TGB
On Blackout Squad!! On Seth Knight!! On Pokerface!! On Stan Lee!!
To the dressing room!! To the ring!! To the mat!!
Now hiptoss!! Now bodyslam!! Now rat!!
As the man made himself the center of the show
The fans were chanting “ Go, DK , Go!!”
He yelled at the fans and said go home
I would rather be here all alone!!
He was dressed all in wrestling gear, from his head to his foot
And his gear was all tarnished with vodka and soot
He wore a big crown on top of his head
“I will be the KING!!”, he proclaimed, only when Lawler is dead
His eyes—they were so blurry!! His speech so slurred!
His cheeks were red as cherry!! His vision was blurred!!
His mouth drooled like a sleeping bear
“Do you know who I am?? Do you care??”
The straw of his drink he held tight in his teeth
And smoke encircled his head like a wreath
Standing behind him were the Posse, Simon & ‘Lil Chris
They were cutting Alfonzo’s hair they missed
He was colored and blond, a right grumpy man
And I laughed when he said he was the best in the land
A wink in his eye, a twist of his head
Kelly Warner was scheduled to wrestle again, oh I dread
He sprang out of the ring, to his crew gave a whistle
And away the workers flew behind him like the down of a thistle
But I heard him exclaim, as some young boy drove him out of site
“Merry Christmas to all, and I am Derrick King….DAMMIT!!’
RassleResults: USWF Corinth, MS 12.22.06 Psycho wins USWF Title!!!

RassleResults NBW Dyersburg, TN 12.23.06

Memphis Wrestling TV Report 12.23.06
at the same time, but I thought it was a triple threat?? This was a clusterfuck!! The moves didn’t look bad, but nothing made sense. All of them got in the ring and finally Rush just walked out.
King beat Drew Donovan. Total squash with Donovan only get a few spots. King pinned him after a superkick. Dotson jumps King after the match. King then uses the cane on Dotson leg and Dotson sold it real good. Maclin did a good job here selling Dotson’s recent injury as he just came back from a legit broken leg. Good angle and interview.
champions you get a World tag team shot?? What World tag team titles??...It makes you wonder how you can have talent like R&R and Flanagan in the first two matches and they still screw up the booking. Only on
and new sites added this week -- http://www.world-wrestling.net/
and Pro Wrestling Resource.
Saturday, December 23, 2006
Feature Article: "A View From Afar" by Mark Bravura

"A View From Afar" by Mark Bravura
"Sometimes you have to step back from a situation to really get perspective."
It's been really interesting observing the happenings in Memphis from nine hundred miles away for the past year. Reading things online. Emailing back and forth. Dropping in every month or so. Calling the guys who's cell phones weren't repossesed.
Some things that have happened have made me laugh. Others have made me shake my head, but the latest big dustup between Dustin Starr and Seth Knight just makes
me say...
I've never had a problem with Dustin or Seth. Dustin can come off like an arrogant prick, but in my experience if you stand up to him in the right way and respect the business he'll be cool with you and be respectful back. When I first went up to D-burg and was floundering at the bottom with nothing to do, he gave me a shot and suggested something for me to DK for no reason other than he's a stand up guy. He's a good guy and nobody can say he doesn't respect the
business and didn't work his ass off to get where he is.
Seth talks a lot, but so do a lot of guys. He and I tagged for over a year. We disagreed about shit all the time, but that's what made the team work. There was a contrast. We'd argue about finishes and psychology all the time. I'd call him an idiot. He'd call me a dumbass, but I'd team up with him again in a second cause he's a good guy and a good worker. He works hard and he respects the business. Does he think a lot of himself? Yeah, but so what? If you don't think you're good then what the fuck are you doing in the business? Just cause you think you're good doesn't mean you think you know everything or that you have nothing to learn.
I'm sure Dustin thinks he's good and he is. He wouldn't be doing squashes on SD if he wasn't, but I'm sure he knows there's stuff he can improve on. Does he have an ego? Hell yeah, but you have to have an ego to even be in the business. You have to have an ego to want to go out in front of however many people in your underwear and have them stare at you. It's essential. If you don't have confidence in yourself YOU WILL NEVER BE ANY GOOD. Look at CM Punk when he started on ECW. At first he was nervous and unsure and he didn't look that good, but the crowd started getting into him, people starting complimenting him and now he looks great.
Dustin said in his commentary that Seth can't work. I'm sure Seth would say the same thing about Dustin. Well guess what? They are both wrong. Both of them can work. They just work differently. And there's nothing fucking wrong with that. Flair doesn't work like Austin who doesn't work like Mysterio who doesn't work like Misawa who doesn't work like Foley who doesn't work like Perro Jr who doesn't work like Joe who doesn't work like Hart who doesn't work like Savage, but all of them can work. If everyone worked the same THE SHOWS WOULD BE FUCKING BORING. Dustin works a heavyweight style that gets over. It works for him and he has good matches. Seth works a more x-division high spot style. It works for him and he has good matches. Both are good workers in entirely different ways. That's one of the things that's great about the business. If you don't like the style of match A maybe you'll like the style of match B or C. Instead of shit talking each other see what you can take from each other to appeal to the fans who like that other style of work. Disagree. Argue about it. At worst you'll learn something.
Why the fuck would you refuse to job on an indie show? OK, so you disagree for whatever reason. Talk it over with the booker privately, but don't be a dick and say "I'm not jobbing cause I'm a big star" in front of the locker room. That's just fucking ridiculous. You're just asking to make enemies. What the fuck do you think every other guy on that show who's putting someone over thinks of you right then. Sure we'd all like to win every fucking time, but fuck its a work. That's the beauty of it. You can get over even if you lose. What happens when a mid-major college basketball team nobody thinks of loses a close game to Duke or UNC or Arizona? People think more of them even though they lost. You can get over when you lose so get over yourself and do the fucking job.
All this crap with shooting water on people in the back is fucking stupid. It goes on all the time, but its still fucking stupid. That being said should Seth have spit on Dustin? No. To me it's one of the most disrespectful things you can do. I've fought people for spitting on me before, but if he doesn't have a water gun what should he do? Piss on him? Try to fight him? Like Dustin said he's 225 and Seth is maybe 170. That's a losing proposition, but the guys already blasted you now he's fucking with you in front of everyone so what do you do?Ignore it and don't put it over.Yeah, that's probably best, but things have already escalated so its a no win situation. Frankly both guys were in the wrong.
One last thing about ribbing, how does the fact that it goes on in the WWE locker room make it cool. Guys in the WWE are making their living of the business. None of us are. Those guys are with each other more than they are with their families. We're not. We work the show and go home. There's little traveling together. The only time we hang out, in general, is at the shows. That's a HUGE difference. There's ribbing in NFL, NBA, NHL, MLS, and whatever other pro-locker rooms cause they are together all the time, but I've never gotten ribbed on any adult league football, basketball or soccer team I've played on. When you're around people all the time you can rib them and its all in good fun. I prank my best friends all the time. They might be pissed off for a minute, but they know I did it because we're friends and they'll just get me back.
You want to fuck around with your boys... Cool. You want to play a harmless prank on someone... Cool. I've done it. We've all done it, but when you're doing it to start something with someone. When you're not doingit out of fun then you're just being a bully picking
on someone.